The Meeting

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Tam's scowl was ever so present as he surveyed the faces of the group before him.

Finally, Ruy spoke. "You want out of the Neverseen, you know the rules."

Umber nodded. "You have to do a dare to get out of this gang."

"A beneficial dare." Trix added.

"I have one." The final figure stepped forward. "You know who this is?" He held up a photo of a beautiful sixteen year old girl, with wavy brown hair and stunning bright teal eyes.

Tam gave no facial expression but instead said, "That's Biana Vacker. And if I remember correctly, that's your baby sister, Alvar."

Alvar sent a glare towards Tam. "I am no longer a Vacker. And I want revenge. The Vackers are onto us, and they have enough power to destroy the Neverseen. I want you to tear them down. Starting with the weakest link."

Tam's scoff was still present. "I'm not following." He kept his tone hard and made sure to never show weakness or emotions.

Of course he knew Biana Vacker. Biana was Lihn's best friend. 

Alvar's anger radiated off of him. "I want you to date her and bit by bit chip away at the self esteem of the Vackers so they no longer hold the power to end us."

"Doesn't sound official yet." Tam enjoyed watching Alvar tick.


There it was.

"Fine." Tam stood. "I'm out." He ripped of the jacket he wore, with the Neverseen's logo sewed onto the back, and then took out his keycard and smashed it under his foot.

Truthfully, Tam only joined the Neverseen for the money. His parents had kicked him and his twin sister out, and they were living in a homeless shelter. They only bought what they needed, living off of Tam's Neverseen money and Lihn's tips from the cafe she worked at.

The Neverseen was happy to accept him, as he was able to blend in easily and wasn't suspected. He operated from the shadows, and never told anyone. Not even Lihn. Lihn had other things to worry about, like their homelessness. 

Nobody was onto them, because recently, Lihn's friend Dex helped them get into their birth accounts at the bank and get debit cards. Dex was the only person they told.

 Asking out Biana Vacker, easier said than done. Even at Foxfire High, the school they all attended, she was very well known and almost untouchable.

Besides, he didn't classify himself as friends with her, or any of the people Lihn had befriended. He just tagged along.

He turned the corner and entered a large building. In the large common room, he spotted Lihn. She sat at a table with her homework and some of the free food she earned at her job.

He sat across from her, and added the last money he'd ever get from the Neverseen into a jar where they kept their savings.

"I was fired today." Tam lied. Not exactly a lie, but believable.

Lihn gasped. "Tam what are we going to do?"

Tam looked down, and tugged at the silver tipped hair on his bangs.

Both twins had them. They died their hair in rebellion against their parents, who both thought it wouldn't keep up the rich and fancy image the Songs wanted to obtain. 

"I'll tell you what you're going to do." Another voice said. Both twins whipped around and saw Wylie Endal, another one of Lihn's friends, and his adoptive dad Tiergan.

"Did you follow me here?!" Lihn cried, scrambling to gather her homework together trying to make it look like they didn't live there. 

Wylie nodded. "Lihn you can't live like this. I talked to my Tiergan, and he's going to let you stay at his house, because my dad woke up from his coma and I can live with him again."

Lihn and Tam were about to protest, when Tiergan nodded his head. "You both are going to stay with me, because this is no place for two teenagers. Gather your things."

They complied, grabbing their already packed bags. 

"You're already packed?" Wylie asked.

"We're always ready to move somewhere else." Lihn replied. Tam took his bag from her, and they both followed Tiergan to his car.

Lihn looked at Tam. "Do you think this is a good idea?" She asked him.

"I don't know yet Lihn."

The Dare-Tiana (BianaxTam)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora