Chapter 2: You're family now too

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     "Mark!" Dark called in relief.

     Mark looked up in shock, hearing Dark's voice, believing it not to be true, but when his eyes met Dark's, he couldn't be more surprised. What shocked him more was how relieved Dark's voice sounded.

     "Damien!? Wh- how- what are you doing here?" he uttered in absolute astonishment.

     "...I came to find you," Dark admitted, not needing to yell anymore.

     Dark had come for him

     "Did Harmony send you?" Mark asked, knowing she was the only person who really cared anything about him.

     He was an idiot to think Dark would have braved this storm according to his own free will. The man hated him. Yes, he said he forgave him... But Mark knew Dark still held resentment towards him. And Mark didn't blame him. He would have too.

     "No. But she's just as worried about you as I. I came on my own, Mark," Dark replied.

     Was he telling the truth? Perhaps. He couldn't be. It made no sense.

     "I don't understand. ...I thought-"

     Mark was cut off, a clap of thunder resounding loudly from above. Mark cried out in fear and curled in on himself, shaking in terror. Dark felt a twinge of something deep in his body, his heart feeling a squeeze like it was being wrung ever so slightly like a damp cloth. The feeling was quickly pushed aside. He leaned down before Mark, getting his knees drenched in the pools of rainwater that had collected on the ground. Dark placed a hand on Mark's back. 

     Mark slowly braved a glance at him as Dark said, "Come on. You don't have to be afraid now that I'm here. ...I'll protect you. After all, you're family now too."

     Mark had no words. Dark held his hand out to him and Mark slowly took it. Just as another thunder clash boomed above, Mark flinched and tried to hide once more. Acting quickly, Dark swiftly stood and pulled Mark to himself, embracing him firmly as if to use his body to shield him from the harsh rain, winds, thunder, and lightning.

     Seeing Mark in such a state, the poor man petrified, Dark deemed the man wouldn't be fit to walk and time was of the essence. So Dark hoisted him into his arms and did his best to cover Mark. Even in this rain and cold, Mark was alarmingly colder in Dark's hold than any of the forces outside. It was like carrying a block of damp ice. Mark was drenched to the bone, soaked to its entirety. He'd been out in the rain for far too long. 

     As he walked briskly back to where he'd parked his car, Dark couldn't understand how Mark had gotten caught up in the storm. His car wasn't that far from the alley. Surely he could have made a dash for it when the rains begun. 

     'Unless he was inside somewhere and didn't realize it was raining outside until it was too late,' Dark thought.

     That must've been it. He'd get the details from Mark later. He was just relieved to have found the man. He'd nearly given up.

     Finally Dark's car was near, Dark unlocking the vehicle and gently placing Mark into the passengers seat. He could worry about the damage to the car later. It wasn't that important. Starting up the car and driving off, Dark already made a mental note to have Mark's car towed back to the house later once the storm was over. Only now did Dark finally allow himself to relax a little, sighing in relief that Mark was found and they were on their way home. The whole drive was relatively silent, both parties not really knowing what to say. Dark wasn't one for small talk anyway. But in the silence of that car, one thing was certain. No matter how hard he tried to hide it, Mark's shivering was audible to Dark. 

Rain Rain, Go Away (A Darkiplier and Actor Mark related story)Where stories live. Discover now