Everything is Almost Fine

Start from the beginning

Dean looked down, nodding to himself, and Sam had tears in his eyes. But they both understood.

"And that's what to believe in," Jack finished. "Well, I'm really as close as this." They put their hand on their chest, and Sam and Dean understood what they meant. Jack put their hand up, the way they always made a greeting, and with a smile said, "Goodbye."

Dean's eyes widened. Something was missing. Someone was missing. "Wait," Dean said, before Jack could turn around.

They looked at him questioningly.

"What— what about Cas?" Dean asked, he'd watched someone very close to him sacrifice himself to save the world. To save Dean. He couldn't handle the idea of the angel staying in the empty while he and Sam lived out the rest of their lives.

"Oh, don't worry," Jack said, a smile still on their face, "I'll see what I can do. I'm not letting my father rot in the empty for eternity." And it was true. Yes, they were going to be hands off, but they needed to do one last thing for their family.

Dean nodded, relieved.

Then Jack turned and walked away, disappearing in a soft flash of light.

"See ya, Jack," Sam said wistfully.

The brothers walked back to the Impala.

As soon as they were both sitting inside, Sam got a call on his phone. "It's Donna," he said surprised. He pressed answer and then brought it up to his ear. "Hey, are you ok?"

"Sam, what happened?" came her voice, "the last thing I remember was everyone disappearing, but now everyone's back. Did you win? What happened?"

Sam listened to her voice in shock. She was okay. Which meant that everyone else he had tried to save was okay too. They must've all been very confused.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah we won," Sam told her. "But it turns out it wasn't Billy."

"Then who was it?" Donna asked, clearly confused.


There was silence on the other end.

"You mean," she finally spoke slowly, "you beat God?"

Sam huffed out a laugh, "Yeah."

"Oofta," she said, trying to process the information, "How?"

"Jack," Sam said simply, "they took his power. Now Chuck is human."

"I— wow," she sounded surprised. Obviously she was surprised, Sam had just told her they'd beaten God and that now he was human. It's quite a bit of information. "So now what?"

Sam was silent for a moment. Thinking.

Finally he said, "I don't know. I guess everyone goes back to their normal lives. Or, as normal as they can get."

"Um, alright. I guess I'll tell them that everything's okay now. I'll tell them they can go home."

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"Bye, Sam."

"Bye." He hung up and turned to Dean, "I guess everyone's back."

Dean forced a smile, he still wasn't completely happy, but he didn't want Sam knowing about that. "Yeah."

"Oh!" Sam turned his phone back on and opened messages. "I should text Eileen."

"You still wanna go meet her?" Dean asked him. "I mean, if I were you I'd want to see my girlfriend after what just happened too."

Sam rolled his eyes, "Yeah actually, that'd be nice."


When they got there, Sam jumped out and almost ran to Eileen.

She was standing by her car and clearly looked stressed. "Sam, what's going on?" she asked, signing as she spoke.

"Nothing, everything's fine," he said, trying his best at signing back to her. "Well, everything's fine, now."

She looked confused, "What do you mean?"

Sam didn't respond, he just grabbed her and pulled her into a giant bear hug. (Moose hug?) He was relieved that she was alright. He was so goddamned relieved to have her back in his arms where he knew she was ok.

He had happy tears in his eyes as he pulled away to tell her what had happened.

While they spoke, Dean stood a little farther off, giving them some space. He was smiling sadly. He was happy that Sam had his girlfriend back and that Eileen was alright, but something in his chest felt hollow. Like there was something missing.

Eileen went back to the bunker with them. Sam didn't want to spend the night away from her, so he asked her to go with them and, obviously, she agreed.

Chuck had been defeated.

They were safe. 



Yay! Chapter one is complete! I hope you enjoyed

I will be uploading once a week

Also, I feel like it should be noted that this is also uploaded on my AO3 account under percycastiel 

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