Everything is Almost Fine

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Spoilers for 15x18 and everything that comes after because this is basically the finale I wished we had gotten

Also, Jack uses they/them pronouns (because of that form he fills out in 15x15)

By the way, I did use some of the dialogue from the actual scenes 


The impala drove into an empty town and parked on the side of the road. Two men and a kid, who couldn't have been older than twenty-two, stepped out. The three of them walked a little ways off and stopped in the middle of the street.

"Alright kid," said Dean, addressing the youngest among them, "You really think you can pull this off?"

Jack smiled and took in a deep breath. They closed their eyes and as they breathed out, the empty streets, the empty restaurants, the empty world around them was suddenly bustling with people once more.

They looked around at the people. None of them had any idea of what had happened that day. No one knew they had been Thanos-snapped out of existence, and that these three had saved them. That these two brothers, an angel, and their twenty-two year old technically-a-toddler kid had saved the world.

Sam turned back to Jack, "So, does this mean you're the new—" he struggled to find the right word, "I mean— what do we call you?"

"Who cares what we call them," Dean said smiling, "look, all that matters is that they got us back online."

Jack smiled to themself, happy by the praise.

"Hey, what happened to Amara ... in Chuck?" Sam asked, not wanting to be happy until he knew they had completely won.

"She's with me, we're in harmony."

"You gonna come back with us to the bunker?"

"What do you mean," Dean said quickly, "of course they're going to come back to the bunker. They're the Man With The Plan, they're Top Dog, they can do whatever they want now. Come on." Dean spoke confidently and turned towards his car.

Sam and Jack shared a look.

"You know, we'll spruce the place up, we'll get some recliners, we'll get you one of those big screen TVs," Dean continued, turning to look back at them and making a rectangle with his hands, smiling more than he had in awhile.

"Dean," Jack interrupted, "I'm not coming back home. In a way, I'm already there."



Dean was confused for a second, and then he realized what Jack meant.

"So you are Him," Sam asked, but it sounded more like a statement.

"I'm me," Jack smiled, "but, I know what you mean."

"What if we want to see you," Sam wasn't very happy anymore, "you know, have a beer, or whatever?"

"I'm around," Jack nodded, "I'll be in every drop of falling rain, every speck of dust that the wind blows, and in the sand, the rocks, and the sea."

"It's a hell of a time to bail," Dean said, not an ounce of joy in his demeanor anymore. "There're a lot of people counting on you. People with questions, they're gonna need answers—"

"And those answers will be in each of them. Maybe not today, but someday." Jack looked at everyone around them. "People won't need to pray to me, or to sacrifice to me. They just need to know that I'm already a part of them, and trust in that. I won't be hands on." They were smiling. "Chuck put himself in the story, that was his mistake. But," they looked at each of them, "I learned from you, my mother, Castiel, that, when people have to be their best, they can be."

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