Cold Hands with Broken Feelings (Rebecca x Gordon)

Start from the beginning

"This couldn't have been here long...." He thought outloud as he saw her phone laying right under it as he picked it up. It was nearly as cold as the helmet. "She must be nearby" he though as he shoved her phone into is pocket and layed her helmet down in his cab before taking on his engine form and puffing off to the nearest station.

He saw a station light uphead along with what looked to be a figure of Rebeccas engine. He slowed to a stop glancing around the station to find her setting at one of the benches. He took on his human form before slowly approaching her.

"Your going to catch a cold like this..." He softly said as he sat down next to her. "I know it's just......" She paused for a long moment before sighing. "Is nothing..... So... Why did you leave the party?...." She asked glancing over at him. "I was worried something had happened to you so i left to look for you at the park and that's were i found your phone and helmet..." He paused for a long moment before glanicing over at her.

"..........Is everything alright?...." She didn't anwser, she was looking away from him as tears fell down her face. With a small sniff she finally spoke up. "Gordon......h-how do you get people to like you......" She asked now looking over at him. "Wha-....what do you mean?...." He asked out of confusion.

"It's just that...... Every one else likes you and the other's and........" She paused trying to find the right words before continuing. " seems that no one really likes me.......i hear it in the stations and in the coaches and....." She heavily sighed. "I don't know what to do anymore Gordon..... I never ment to replace Henry if anything i wasn't trying to and i know he understands that and i try to apologize to him about all the time but even after tidmouth added bigger sheds it still doesn't settle right with me...." She spoke her voice shaking as more tears pricked at her eye's gripping he edge of her dress(?)

Gordon was quick to realize that what the passenger's and visitors had said behind her back we're starting to get to her if not more. He slowly took her hand in his as she slowly looked over at him. "Don't let they're words get to you.... Your a beautiful and wonderful engine and if they can't see that then they need to open they're eye's...... We know that when you came here you never ment to replace anyone..... One your first day we all could see that you had nothing but good intentions towards everyone......." He paused letting those words sink in.

Rebecca seemed happy, yet shocked by his words. She knew he had a way with words but she never thought he was that good with words. "I-I.......Thank you Gordon......" She sniffed before quickly hugging him. "Any time......" He softly said returning the hug before the two of them pulled away. "oh! Uhm i should've given this to you when i sat down...." He said handing Rebecca her Helmet and Phone as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh thank you.... I forgot i left them there....." She said dusting off any last remains of snow on her helmet before placing it on her head as she put her phone in her pocket. Gordon chuckled "should we head home now?..." He asked as he lended a hand out to help her stand up. Rebecca glanced down at his hand before looking back up at him with a smile. "Yes... And thank you... Agian..." She blushed as the two of them stood up and made they're way back to they're engine's.

The two of them took they're engine forms as they headed back to Tidmouths for the night. "You know somthing?" Gordon asked. "What is it?" Rebecca replied. "You are mighty beautiful tonight~" he flirted as they chuffed down the rails. Rebecca felt her face heat up at the compliment as she glanced away giggling softly. "Oh stop Gordon, you don't have to say that..." She said. "But im serious you do look mighty beautiful tonight" he said looking over at her as her face turned red by the second.

Rebecca then got an idea that might just win this little flirting game Gordon had started. "You know somthing?" She asked looking over at him with a smirk. "What?..." He hummed. "I think about you a little more then what i should be~" she teased. His attention quickly snapped back over to her as his face flushed red. She quickly saw his face and laughed. "Was it really that good of a flirt?" She chuckled.

"I was" he said glancing away as the two chuckled. "Do i win? Since i made you all flustered?" She coed. Gordon looked over at her with a soft smile. "You win..." He said as his blush went down a little. She chuckled "i love you" Gordon smiled, "I love you too" and with that being said the two lovers chuffed down the rails as snow glistened down from the night sky for the remander of the night.

(Finally finished this little fanfict after starting it 2 weeks ago, a few thinga got in the way and then motivation prove to not be on my side for awhile but now is finished! And like always If there's more you'd like to see please let me know and have a Good Day/ Night!!)
(-Photo above edited by me-)

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