Pickup line battle

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POV Maya

I woke up with my amazing, Italian girlfriend still peacefully asleep in my arms, looking beautiful as always. It's still quiet early, so she'll probably be asleep for a bit longer. I start my shift at 9, so I still have some time. Carina is off today. I grab my phone and start scrolling through Instagram. I come across a post full of cheesy pickup lines. This could be a fun surprise for Carina, I'm gonna bombard her with pickup lines all day. I start looking up some good lines while I wait for her to wake up. 10 minutes later she starts shifting in my arms, right as the sun is coming up. I already have an idea for my first line of the day. "Good morning, beautiful. Is that the sun coming up? Or is that just you lighting up my day?" I ask her with a smile on my face. She giggles and mumbles a good morning, then snuggles closer to me. This is the perfect opportunity for another line. "Are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all night." This one makes her laugh.

POV Carina

I sit up smiling at Maya, she's being adorable. I love pickup lines, also two can play this game. "Want to save water by showering together?" I ask her with a smirk on my face. We walk in the bathroom together. "Hey, did you notice that gorgeous girl?" Maya asked while pointing at my reflection in the mirror. "No, I didn't. Do you have a map? I think I got lost in your eyes." At this point we're both giggling, this is gonna be a fun day. We finish our shower and start getting dressed. As she's putting on her pants, I come up from behind her and grab her ass. "Are these pants from space? Because that ass is out of this world." She turns around, clearly checking me out. "Somebody call the cops. It's got to illegal to look this good." I blush at her reply and continue to get dressed.

POV Maya

I love Carina's pickup lines, she's perfect. We ate breakfast before I had to leave for work. Carina offered to walk me to work, which I gladly accepted. As we're walking, Carina turns to me and says: "Your hand looks heavy, can I hold it for you?" How can someone be this adorable, I think to myself as I hold out my hand to her. "I must be at a museum, because you truly are a work of art." I shoot back my own pickup line. The rest of the walk is filled with small talk and a couple more cheesy lines. As we're almost at the station, I sneeze. "I'd say god bless you, but it looks like he already did." Carina giggles. "He definitely blessed me with you." I say back softly. We arrive at the station and greet Andy, who is already behind the desk. I turn towards Carina and ask: "Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back." I hear Andy snort as Carina kisses me. I just put up my middle finger as I keep kissing my girl. At this point Vic walks in and starts making gagging noises. I pull away and say goodbye again before Carina leaves.

POV Andy

I turn towards Maya as we're walking towards the beanery. "Did you really just use a pickup line on her?" I ask. "Wait, really? And I missed that?!" Vic exclaimed. Maya started laughing "Yeah, we've been doing that all morning." "Awww, that's so cute! Did you use any spicy ones yet?" Vic asks. We sit down at the table and I tell everyone what's happening. After that everyone starts firing of spicy pickup lines. "If you're feeling down, I can feel you up. Are you a drill sergeant? Because you have my privates standing at attention. There's a sale at my place, all clothes are a 100% off. I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave." After a few minutes Maya puts an end to it, to start the chores. "Wait, I have one more," Vic says,"Do you drink soda? Because you look so-da-liciouuussss." "That one was terrible." I tell Vic while laughing.

POV Maya

I'm in my office filling out some paperwork. Carina and I have been sending each other sweet texts all day. Sometimes pickup lines, other times just compliments or good memories. It's already pretty late, when I get another text.

Carina: Your face is a work of art. Let's frame it with my legs.

My eyes widen while reading the message. I look at it again to make sure I read it right and wasn't making it up in my head. Guess we're moving on to the spicy ones, I think to myself.

Maya: Are you my little toe cuz when I turn the lights off, I'm gonna bang you on every piece of furniture in our house.

Carina: You remind me of a Happy Meal... because I'm going to make you come with a toy inside.

I feel myself getting turned on thinking about what I could do to her when I get home in the morning. I start typing my reply, I think this is my best line yet.

Maya: Your legs are like Oreo's, I wanna split them and lick what's in the middle.

Carina: Facetime me, NOW.

I call her and she picks up after the first ring. My mouth goes dry when I see her. She's lying on our bed in just her underwear. Her eyes are a few shades darker than normal, so she's clearly turned on too. The words die on my lips as she moves the phone down showing her hand in her panties while letting out a small moan. I stand up to lock my door and move to my bunk. After we both came, we're just lying on our beds admiring each other. "Okay, I have one last line for you." I tell her. "Life without you is like a broken pencil... pointless. I love you, Carina." "I love you too, bambina. I've got one more for you too before I go to sleep." she says looking at me with loving eyes. "I have all these forks and knives but all I need is a little spoon." she continues. After that we fall asleep, still facetiming.

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