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Was this ever going to end?

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~~~Renjun's POV~~~

Going down a familiar yet unusual road, distanced and secluded from everyone else, I take out the sketchpad I brought and started to draw my emotions and thoughts.

A sudden clash heard made me finally get back to normal. Jolting and arising from the backseat I hesitantly grab a pocket knife and a gun, hiding it in my gun holster not wanting it to be obvious.

Getting out and trying to figure out why this is familiar a shoe is connected to my back, causing my body to fly forward. Turning around I get up almost immediately holding them in a headlock feeling lost and confused.

Jisung ended up taking over for me and I helped Jaemin and Chenle with fighting.


~~~Seolhyun's POV~~~

The girls all came back to Azumi and I's shared home. Just as I was opening the door something hit my back which caused me to fall fowards, catching myself before colliding with the floor.

Looking behind me seeing no-one there I get up in pain questioning what the hell just happened.


~~~Renjun's POV~~~

Shots being fired and bodies laying everywhere, we take the one Jisung has been hiding and place him into a corner. Distanced from the dead bodies and blood we question this guy to get information.

Not listening that much I look around a little, leaving the guys do the job. Wandering around feeling a familiar ambiance, it finally clicks.

Running towards the Dreamies I scream which caused them to flinch.

Me: No wonder this place felt awfully familiar!

Chenle: It does? I didn't notice

Me: It's where we where before, saving her!

Jeno: Saving... who?

Renjun: Seolhyun....

Me being me I love leaving cliffhangers! Hope this goes well <3

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ٩(๑> ₃ < )۶♥

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