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this is going to be a long day。。。

We finally made it to the dance studios and walked in, being taken to the front since we are new.

Teacher: As you guys just joined you have to show us a dance, before we partner you all up, and since we want to see you dance level.

Renjun: As if they can dance good, there doesn't seem to be talent coming fron the two of them at all

Chenle hits Renjun's arm harshly

Teacher: Renjun! You do this every class! Plus they look beautiful so lets see okay?

Renjun rolls his eyes while Chenle has his eyes directly on Azumi, waiting patiently.

Azumi decides to go first:

Chenle can't look away, daydreaming and dazed over how amazingly Azumi dances.

My dance is followed on after Azumi's:

Renjun was impressed and yet stunned. He looked.... how to say this... proud in some way.

Azumi and I where on our way to sit for any further instructions given by the teacher but she called us.

Teacher: Azumi! Seolhyun! I love your dance styles!! Do you mind doing two duo dances with each other for us?

We nod happily

Azumi: we may need a few minutes to choreograph and pick music though Miss

Teacher: as you do so i will partner you guys up for a dance project that needs to be completed by the end of today

Again, we nod, understanding of the teacher and we go to the middle to practice.

All of a sudden the teacher calls out the partners and to our suprise, it wasn't fun.

Teacher: .... And lastly Chenle is with Azumi, Seolhyun is with Renjun! Good luck class!! Time for the girls to dance

We look at each other quickly and sigh, I guess we just have to get this over with. I go to give Azumi a high five but her hand shows a name. Zhong Chenle.

Me: Chenle's name is on your hand Boba

Azumi looks quite lost and sighs.

Azumi: Why him though? I hate this, i don't understand how names are appearing on both of our bodies

Me: It is really weird but lets get these out of the way

1st one:

Feeling quite tired we push on through to the next dance.

I feel dizzy so i sit down, jumping at the voice in my head shouting for my attention.


Me: Can you be QUIET! I am so tired right now!

???: WHAT? Oh yeah sure then.... HAH AS IF

Me: Okay then...

I look over towards Azumi, she is dreamy and not paying attention.

~~~Azumi's POV~~~

I hear the voice again.... whirling around in my mind, scared to keep listening. I look around breifly and then sit beside Seolhyun gently.

Me: I hear them again... i am getting stressed, yet i feel as though his voice is familiar

Seolhyun: Familiar? you have heard the voice before?

I nod then get up caustiously and slowly make my way towards my partner, Chenle to figure out our dance.


𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 || Huang Renjunजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें