Chapter 1: The storm

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     They say a lot can change in a short amount of time. However, this change took over a century to finally happen. What change, you may ask? Well. Several events took place, and it finally led up to a certain Actor finally receiving his redemption. How so? By becoming an official "Ego", with all that entailed along with the title. Which meant he was now living among the others in the Ego's home. He was welcomed yes, albeit not quite living up to the rather warm and accepting nature of the term. At least, not at the beginning. However, after a good amount of time passed, with Mark having been living as an Ego with the others for a solid few months, it seemed he was finally becoming an official member of their large and strange family. It seemed miracles could happen, Dark even had warmed up to him eventually, although more so on the inside then the out.

     Now in the present, we begin at the Ego's home on a lovely sunny day. All was well, each Ego out and about, spending the day howsoever they desired. Mark had gone to the city, a habit of his when he wanted to go have some fun. He knew the city rather well, knowing many wonderful locations to spend his time, which he did frequently still. He used to go by himself, having none to go with him. He even went a good couple of times with his dearest friend, Harmony, who was more than happy to do so with him. But now that he had a family of his own, he'd been to the city with them a good handful of times on ego outings and it was an entirely new experience that he found himself thoroughly enjoying. Today however, he chose to go alone and just relax.

     Despite today starting off as a really lovely sunny day, the weather reports made very clear that it would definitely be raining a lot later that night. Most of the Egos knew this and opted to stay inside today. Egos like King specifically dedicated his day to make a place in his room for his squirrel subjects to take refuge in from the oncoming storm. Dark didn't really mind, knowing how King adored his little squirrels. So long as they stayed in his room, Dark was fine with King's decision. Harmony had been to the city herself that morning for some light shopping, groceries, and other little tasks, however she had been good about coming back home right before the rain started. It began as just a light rain right as she stepped into the house, groceries in hand. 

     ...And then it got worse. 

     ...And worse. 

     Thunder boomed, only getting more and more powerful, making the impression that it was shaking the house. Lightning flashed, the Ego's opting to shut all the blinds to keep the powerful flashes of light from disturbing them. Dark had seen many a storm like this, it was nothing to really worry about. However, when it started to even hail a bit, the winds picking up like crazy, the house creaking and moaning at the impact, Dark began to grow concerned. He hoped the house could handle the forces outside. 

     The power went out. Almost every Ego had some hint of fear and jitteriness about the storm, so they naturally came to be with each others company in the large living room. Being the head of this large family, Dark naturally did his usual head count just in case, not wanting to be careless incase one of their own wasn't accounted for. As he began to count in the darkness of the living room, he stops, having counted all... but one, and he doesn't count Mark. 

     As Harmony is comforting some of the others and providing some orbs of light with her magic, Dark approaches her.

     "Harmony, may I borrow you for a moment?" he asks.

     Harmony nods and stands, following Dark out of the living room and to a secluded hallway. 

     "What's the matter, Dark? You seem troubled," Harmony asks the man, placing a hand upon his shoulder.

     "Harmony. Do you happen to know where Mark is?" Dark asks. praying he's just occupied at the moment or somewhere he missed.

     "He's not here!? How about everyone else? Are they all accounted for?" Harmony asks worried.

     "Everyone else is here and accounted for. Are you certain you haven't seen him?" Dark presses, hoping she may have just forgotten. 

     If anyone knew where Mark was at the most random of times, it was Harmony. If she didn't know, then that meant trouble.

     "I'm not sure. I remember him leaving to go out to the city today this morning," Harmony recalled.

     Harmony gasped and her hands went over her mouth as she said, "Oh, Dark! What if he's still there!?"

     In that very moment, a particularly loud roll of thunder boomed accompanied by flashes of lightning, Harmony leaping into Dark's arms. That... was bad. 

     Dark held Harmony, panic beginning to surge within him. Dark knew many things about Mark, but one thing Damien had discovered about the seemingly fearless man made itself known as he clutched Harmony close. And this fact that suddenly made itself known once more in Dark's mind only solidified his panic.

     Mark was petrified of thunder storms.

     Dark said nothing more, making sure Harmony was back with the others before grabbing a jacket, his keys, and left into the dead of the storm.

     He drove to the city despite the danger of the extra slippery and unpredictable roads, the rain resurfacing the oils on the roads and causing Dark to be extra cautious as he zoomed off. Dark would never ever admit it aloud, not in a million years, but he was worried to near dread about Mark. If Mark hadn't come home by now with the storm having been going on for about a solid hour, then something must be wrong...

     Within thirty minutes or so, having driven as fast as he could manage, Dark arrived in the city, driving carefully through the streets he knew Mark to visit more. With his eyes peeled and careful examinations, Dark eventually found Mark's car parked on the street, empty without a driver inside. Another red flag.

     Dark parked nearby and got out, immediately feeling the impact of the storm pushing against him. The rain pounding down on him, the winds nearly knocking him off his feet. Yet he would not be deterred, clutching his coat closer, balancing himself, and starting to search. It was a literal ghost town, and rightly so. You'd have to be crazy to be out in a storm like this and it just kept getting worse.

     Dark felt a little ridiculous, out here on his own, but his worry overpowered his pride, so he started calling out for Mark. He called and called, shouting as loud as he could, but no matter how loud he yelled, his voice was swallowed up by the storm. That didn't stop him, having long since thrown all logic out the window, so he kept calling.

     Searching several streets and every nook and cranny he could think of, Dark began to lose hope. As he pushed through the storm, he noticed an alleyway to his right. He couldn't explain it, but he felt compelled to search inside. Being careful just in case he came across unfriendly characters, Dark went in with caution, keeping his eyes peeled. He'd nearly reached the end of the alley, the further in, the more his hope diminished. Still, he looked around, and when he saw a hunched form huddled into a corner behind a large dumpster, he couldn't begin to describe his relief. 

     It was Mark.


     Authors Note: That's Chapter 1 for you guys! I hope you enjoyed it! If you'd like to see the next chapter soon, let me know in the comments! As always, I'm open to feedback and critiques, and if you have any questions of any kind regarding the story, feel free to ask! With that, hope you have a lovely day~

     (Additional Note: The Markiplier Egos/Characters do not belong to me, but rather to Mark Fischbach. Everything else, the story, art, etc., including Harmony, my OC, is mine. Thank you.)

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