I Call Your Name

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Fugo stopped the car just in front of the gelato shop.

- There's no parking space around this block... you go order and I'll meet you there.
- Okay, same as usual, right? Narancia asked as he got out.
- Yep. Don't forget to ask for whipped cream too, or I'll eat yours.
- In your dreams, Pannacotta!

A good ten minutes later the young man in the holey suit sat down opposite his boyfriend. The latter handed him the gelato with an embarrassed pout.
- Sorry, they were out of strawberry, can you believe that?!
Fugo raised a brow and stared down at the gelato.
- What did you order then?
- Amarena.
- ... Mmh.
He tasted the gelato in silence, as if he were being cautious.
- Y'ain't allergic, right...? Narancia worried at the absence of a comment.
Fugo's face then relaxed and he shot the older teen a smirk.
- No, I was just kidding. I like it.
- That was NOT funny! You almost scared the shit outta me, dumbass!
The silver-haired laughed and dodged the brunette's frustrated elbow aiming for his ribs.

They savored their gelato in silence for a while.

Then Narancia's cheeks blushed a bit as he leaned his chin on his palm with a smirk.
- Hey, d'ya think Mista and Giorno finally scored?~

Fugo spat out his mouthful.
- Goddammit Narancia, we're eating! Just ask them yourself, that's none of my business!
He shot the shorter teen a death glare, but his own lips then stretched in a smirk too.
- By the way, Nara...
- Yeah?
Fugo reached for his back pocket, took out the math book and slammed it in front of his boyfriend.
- You thought you could play me, but I know you haven't solved the last equation.

- Wh-?! When did you even grab it??! I thought we agreed I could take a break!
Narancia crossed his arms and sulked.
- Plus, Bucciarati's mission is way more important than some stupid math!

Fugo shook his head and shoved him the book square in the face.
- You solve that equation, I'll find a name for the baby.
- No way, screw you! I wanna participate too!
- Then you better hurry and figure out what's 16x55 already.

His aura grew menacing and he dove his scarlet eyes into Narancia's purple ones.
- If you dare claim it's 28 again, I'm breaking up with you.
- ...!!!

The young man sulked harder and dropped the math book onto the table like a smelly sock. He ran a frustrated hand in his wild black hair with a scowl and leaned his cheek on his other palm.
- I hate you, Panna! At least give me a clue! he whined.
Fugo shrugged.
- Okay. It's closer to 1,000 than 28.
- ...

Narancia rolled his eyes and let out a dramatic sigh as he began to spin the pencil around his finger.

How in hell could he focus right now when Bucciarati and Abbacchio, whom he almost saw as his parents (well, at least his older brothers), had just adopted a goddamn baby?!

Besides, couldn't Fugo fucking bite into his gelato instead of licking it...? Narancia flushed as he failed to look away. Was he for real?! Fugo must be doing it on purpose just to-

The brunette suddenly straightened up with a victory cry.
He had just thought of the best idea.

His boyfriend raised a brow.
- What? You solved the equation already?
- No, much better! I found a name for the kid!

Fugo bit into his gelato cone and raised his chin with a questioning look.
- You did?
- Yeah! Amarena! Sounds nice for a girl, right?

The younger teen stared at him for a moment before bursting out laughing.
- You seriously think Bucciarati would name his daughter after a gelato flavor?!
The young man with the bandanna merely shrugged.
- Your name's Pannacotta and mine's Narancia! Besides, almost every Passione member's named after food, ain't they?
- ... True, Fugo admitted with a death glare at the mention of his first name.

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