Chapter 2

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When I was young my parents brought me everything I asked for. From rattles to large doll houses, I had everything in my playroom. My school friends would specifically take permission from their parents to come to my house and play with my toys.  My dad worked as an estate agent and helped people buy comfortable places to live while my mother was a gym instructor. My parents loved me enough and raised me well. What else could I ask for?Life was just perfect.

Until two weeks ago, on my parents twenty eight years anniversary, they decided to go out on a date and spend sometime together. I didn't mind at all but something seemed wrong when the clock struck 1:00a.m and they hadn't returned home. I picked up my phone to call my dad but it rang itself first. My fear got high when the number was anonymous. With shivering cold fingers I answered the call.

"Miss Samantha, is that you?" A male voice asked.
"Yes. It's me. Why?" I asked, my voice shaking with fear.
"I am police officer Jonathan Mayor. We have found your parents car in the woods.." he paused and took a deep breath, " I'm sorry to inform you that both of them have passed away."

And my entire life changed with that. Who would have thought that an anniversary would become the end of their lives. After the funeral of my parents, every person, either friend or relative, just changed. Even the close ones turned their back on me except my friend Maria who studied English Major third year with me in college. When I was trying to figure out how I would manage to pay for my college education, another phone call attempt told me that my father was betrayed by his client which caused him $20,000 debt. What the hell?

Confused between the two, I decided to pause my college education for a while and focus on getting a job to pay off the debt. Although the idea seemed great but I still haven't succeeded with that. I applied at three places and two of them wanted my body more than my talent. So I rejected them, which again, was a right thing to do. But what now?

I can feel my phone buzzing under my pocket when I am watching Netflix at home in the evening. I look down at the screen to find my college friend Maria's name on it. I swipe to answer. "Hello?"

"Up for dinner tonight?" She asks directly with excitement. But I'm too lazy to go.

"Dude, I'm not feeling __" she cuts me off before I can make any excuses, "Shut up! I know what kind of unwell you are." She says sarcastically, " Be ready. I'll pick you up in an hour." And the line is cut. Shit.

An hour later, Maria and I are sitting in a restaurant with our table filled with food and drinks. I will not lie, I was the one who didn't want to come and I was the one who ate the most!

"So you gave three interviews this week and got rejected. Wow." Maria said while taking a bite from her zinger burger.

"I wasn't rejected. I rejected them." I correct her.

"It's the same thing." She laughs but I roll my eyes on her. It's not funny. It's not something to laugh at. I am in a desperate need of a job but it's not happening. No matter what reasons.

"Okay, why did you suddenly change your mind about that job at Fryzo Cafe?" Maria asks again, sounds concerned this time.

"Because he started harassing me during my interview." I reply and take a sip from my coke.

"Oh. Then it was a right thing to do." She says and I nod, "but, let me inform you, no matter where you go, you'll always find harassers and abusers. I believe it works this way. You should just know how to deal with it."

I can't believe she's a girl and she's saying this. "Are you aware of what you're saying?" I ask her, feeling conscious about her mental state. "Neither me nor any other independent girl can make compromise on her body for few dollars." I tell her.

"Well, if you look at yourself, you'll realise that you are not independent any more. You have got to pay $20,000, Samantha. You have sacrificed your final year of English Major for that. And you refused to go for that job just because the boss consider you more than an employee." She's saying this right on my face and I cannot help it but look at her in disbelief. "I mean what if he's a nice guy and___" I raise my hand, telling her to stop.

"First of all, he wasn't a nice guy because nice guys don't come close to your mouth and say, "please me and I'll please you." Secondly, I don't know how to say it, but right now, you sound just like the other mean people I know. Rather than helping me out and building up my confidence, you are here complaining about my decision." I snap.

"I am trying to help you out Samantha, you're just not getting it." Maria tries to sound positive but I shake my head.

"I cannot go for such job. I want a decent one." I tell her and she sighs.

"Okay. Whatever."

The rest of the dinner goes silently with too effort-taking smiles. We both split the bill in half and leave the restaurant. We walk towards our cars and exchange goodbyes. I let out a breath in relief as I start my car. Thank God it's over. The night is dark with a few stars lighting up the sky. There's not much traffic on the road. I change my mind about going home and decide to go for a long drive. I stop when a signal turns red and wait patiently for it to turn green when a man in a black hoodie knocks on my windscreen. I try to look away and pretend like I haven't heard anything, which is a silly thing to do. But he knocks again, with more pressure this time. He is also looking at the back for something, like he's escaping from someone. I turn the screen down when he says, " Can you please drive me to the Eden Road? I really need to go there."

He sounds very troubled and upset. After having a very bad time at the restaurant, maybe I need a company too. But letting a stranger-hoodie-fellow into your car at this hour of night sounds scary too. "Please... whoever you are, it's really important and I need your help!" He cries and I find myself opening the passenger door for him, " Alright, get in." I say.

As he sits next to me, the first thing to impress me is the perfume he's wearing. 212 Sexy. He's dressed in a suit, which probably means he's financially stable. But why wear a hoodie over a suit?

"Are you not gonna remove it?" I ask, part of me is dying to take a look at his face.

"No. Is that a problem?" He ask back, his voice hard and strict, which makes me realise what a stupid mistake it was to be the first one to make a conversation.

"No, not really." I reply with hesitation and try to focus on my way. Eyes on the road. Eyes on the road!

"So what's your name?" I ask again after five minutes of silence.

"Why do you ask?"


"Dude, you are sitting in my car. Kindly keep your attitude to yourself. You don't wanna have a conversation, okay, fine." I make a face at him. He is making me feel like I'm the one who asked for lift. How can he be so rude?

P.s, he still doesn't tell me his name.

After ten more minutes of silence, I've realised that I had taken another step to ruin my mood. He's constantly looking outside the window. I've also noticed him bending twice and scratching his foot then again sit straight. One thing is confirmed, he's hiding from someone. Maybe he's a criminal? A thief?

What? No way! How can a criminal be so... well-dressed? Although I haven't seen his face yet, but I can tell that he's handsome.
And rude.

"There you are." I say and exhale as we reach the Eden Road.

"What?" He asks suddenly, trying to focus on what I just said.

"This is Eden Road." I explain him and his face turns red. "Oh." He says and put his hand inside his pocket, then bring out something metallic.
A gun.

A gun!

"What the...." I murmur in shock.

"Drive." He orders.


A/N: Dear readers, kindly read, vote, comment and share :)

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