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Suki's P.O.V

My father loves spoiling his children but my mother always made sure we are grateful for everything we had been given, she would say "Don't take it for granted because some children aren't as fortunate" or "Don't think you are better than anyone else just because you have more". I didn't understand why she always said these words to us until I met my grandparents on my mother's side for the first time, when I was 10 they visited for my title given ceremony where I would be officially recognized as Alpha daughter.

My grandfather is the retired Alpha of the Tundra clan ranked 30th in most powerful, but is a very influential in werewolves society for its technology, the clan is now governed by my uncle James, who is my mother's younger brother. My grandmother is an Omega daughter who came from a poor family background, she taught my mother the same principles mother was teaching us then.

Sadly they had not visited before this because they were displeased that mother is a chosen mate of my father and not a paired mate like they are. Their reason for visiting is to see me their 1st granddaughter as females were rare in my grandfather's bloodline my mother is the 1st child and the only living daughter of the 5 children my grandparents had. I have many male cousins and only 2 female cousins, my uncle James's daughters ages 2 and 9 at that time I was 10 so I'm the first to get my official title as Alpha daughter which is cause for great celebration as many females don't make it to their 10th birthday, this is common for female children of Alphas and betas. The exact reasons for this still unknown but werewolf scientists have concluded that it could be something related to the genes make up and that the werewolf female's body has to go through so many changes in growth to maturity that their bodies can't handle the pressure, become ill and die.
My mother's younger sister died at the age of 8 the reason the doctors gave was a strange slowing of the heart muscles and blood flow to the brain that seemed to develop over night, she wasn't showing any serious signals that there was anything wrong other than complaining of headaches so grandmother had taken her to the hospital. She spent almost a year there before experiencing complications, she died peacefully in her sleep.

I cried when my mother told me this a few days after my title giving ceremony. My grandparents became more involved in my life after that, they visited regularly usually around our birthdays and some holidays I meet my other cousins and uncles mother often told us about on those visits. My 12 brothers often fought with our male cousins anytime they visited, father said it was a go bonding experience for them, mother didn't have the same opinion because once the fun was over someone either broke something or had lost a tooth, it wasn't a problem losing teeth because they grew back eventually but mom didn't like how it looked on camera when they smiled (-_-). I on the other hand I was a complete angel when they visited. I would play in my bedroom with my younger cousin Nina and her baby sister Rose would stay with their mother, we never got into trouble.... we just started it.

We would watch from the window as our 21 male cousins/brothers bite, tackle and knock each other out fighting over things they didn't do, like one time when I was 13 Nina was 12 we had hidden the new ball father had bought for the boys to play with during their visit they couldn't find it anywhere and began fighting thinking one of them had taken the ball, before anyone got really hurt Nina and I stepped in and play innocent heroines saying we wanted to play with our amazing cousins/brothers and we 'found' a ball, they were so happy and didn't suspect a thing. (^_^)


Chosen mate is when both partners willingly give up on seeking their true mate aka Paired mate, granted by the Moon goddess at birth, to be with each other. After their 130th birthday ( Age 26 in wolf time) they are free to choose a chosen mate and are not bound by any troubles of finding the paired mate later on in life. (I will explain later on how and why......Nope I changed my mind) =/

Mother's name; Lucy Tundra LunaReale (keeping her maiden name)

Father's name; Jackson LunaReale (chosen mate of Lucy)

Mother's side:

Grandfather's name; George Tundra (paired mate to Lucinda)

Grandmother's name; Lucinda Fa Tundra (keeping her maiden name)

Siblings : 3 alive 1 dead

Nieces; 2

Nephews; 9

Father's side:

Grandfather's name; John LunaReale (paired mate to Bella)

Grandmother's name; Bella Lewis LunaReale (keeping her maiden name)

Siblings; none

He has one cousin whom he fought with for the position of alpha of LunaReale clan.

See you next☆~☆

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