Imposters, beware...

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Can I just say something? You guys are the literal best. Thank you for being so patient with me. <3 Here's a short chapter for now, because more is on the way. I've been feeling a little burnt-out, so I'm taking it slow at the moment. That being said, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

XOXO, LovelyCatPaws

 Varian was starting to change his mind about all of this destiny stuff. None of it seemed to be going very well.

His former friends, Rapunzel, Eugene, and her parents were currently locked in the castle dungeons. The whole kingdom was in ruins. Cassandra was sick.

Even though they were technically enemies now, Varian had no desire to hurt Rapunzel. An image of Eugene held by the neck, struggling to breathe flashed in his mind, making him feel sick.

Varian didn't think he was cut out to be a coldhearted villain after all. He had acted cruel in front of Rapunzel, but in reality, he just wished all of this madness would be over soon. When Corona was under Cassandra's control (because, let's face it, Varian had no desire to rule) he hoped all of the fighting would calm down.

There was still something wrong with Cassandra. The more she drew upon the moonstone's power, the weaker she became. Varian was worried about her. He knew she would push her safety aside if it was in the way of her goals, but if she kept ignoring this problem, it was only going to get worse.

He walked down the empty hallways of the palace, feeling horribly guilty as he looked at all the destruction. While Cassandra was busy organizing the Nautstien, Varian had slipped away for some solitude. He felt as if the weight of the entire situation was pressing down on his shoulders.

He sighed and tucked himself into a corner, putting his face in his hands. It wasn't entirely his fault this had happened, but why did he feel like he had made a big mistake and everyone was suffering for it?

Varian pulled out the scroll that held the prophecy Cassandra had shown him. There were the same words as before, speaking about the ruler of Corona and a third element. But as he studied it a little closer, he noticed something else in faint markings at the bottom of the scroll. At first he thought they were just stains, but as he looked closer, he could make out words.

Varian's eyes widened as he read them. It was a warning.

"Only destined ones can wield the moonstone's power. Imposters, beware. Drawing upon its magic will bring about your final hour. If this message you do not heed, to your death your ignorance will lead."

Varian recognized instantly who this message was referring to.

"Cassandra," he whispered. It didn't make sense that she was the imposter, rather than Varian. If anyone should have been destined to wield the moonstone, it should have been Cass.

But this scroll said imposters using its magic would lead to their death. This was the explanation for Cassandra's sudden weakness. She was dying.

As soon as Varian thought the word dying, a wave of panic washed over him. Cassandra was dying? The realization made his heartbeat race. This couldn't be happening. It shouldn't be happening.

And yet, it was happening, and Varian was the only one who could stop it.

Tears of hopelessness sprung to his eyes. How could he save Cass from dying? He was just a kid, and she was the one who had always known what to do. She was strong, brave, fierce... and Varian wasn't like that at all.

A thin shaft of light broke through the darkness his mind seemed to be drowning in. If he did nothing, he'd have to live with the knowledge that Cassandra's death was his fault. Varian might not be fearless and powerful, but he was smart. He would find a way. He had to find a way. If he didn't, it might not be just Cassandra that was doomed. The whole kingdom might be in danger.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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