"Wheres he going?" I said to Blaise once Draco had left.

"Not sure. He said he had business to take care of."

Though I doubted he didn't know where Draco was going, I didn't push it any further as

"Well are we going or what?" Blaise said and with his words, we rushed ahead to catch up to Eddie and Cass.


"Cass im just gonna tell you. There is no point buying puking pastilles right in front of me, and then trying to get me to eat them later. I'm obviously gonna know" Eddie said.

The joke shop was excessively crowded, even though it was only a Tuesday night. There were groups of people on every level of the shop, trying out sweets, tricking their friends into shaking their hand that was holding a device that would electrify the other person. After Eddie's comment, he went off with Blaise and Zack to the other end of the shop were we couldn't see them.

"Hello ladies" I heard a voice say in the direction of me and Cass. We looked up to see the tall figure of the boy I knew to be Fred Weasley. Or maybe George, I wasn't entirely sure in all honesty.

I had spoken to both of the twins several times. No meaningful conversations, just a few exchanges in the halls of Hogwarts. That was of course last year - the Weasley twins left Hogwarts for good towards the end of their seventh year to open their own joke shop in Diagon Alley. They certainly went out with a bang, quite literally. Their fireworks display during my O.W.Ls examination made them almost celebrities at Hogwarts. I could see a few girls starting and chattering excitedly to each other while looking in our direction. 

"Hey, uhh," I said with a glance at Cass to pray for help. She was of no assistance. "Im sorry, I hope this isn't rude, but which are you?" The twins were identical and especially to someone who had never spoken to them before, I didn't know if I was talking Fred or George. He responded with a small laugh.

"Fred, at your service" he said with a small comical bow and a grin. I looked up at him. "How on earth don't you know with all the wonderful conversations we had last year?"

"I do apologise, it must of just slipped my mind," I said jokingly. I wouldn't admit it, but I never knew which I was speaking to in school either. "What are you doing in Hogsmeade anyway?" As me and Fred spoke, Cass silently slipped away to join Eddie in trying samples of some of the potion laced sweets on display.

"I don't miss school," he responded. "But I'll always miss this place. Thought I'd give it a visit while I knew my little brother was coming." Looking behind him, I saw Ron, the younger Weasley, stood with a few other Gryffindors. "And I'm very glad I did."
I looked up at him.

"And why is that?" I said.

"No reason," he added with a slight smirk. It was very subtle but I knew a man trying to flirt when I saw one. He was stood with his arms folded, slightly leant forward. He looked down to me as he said his words.

"Well I'm sorry Fred but I must be off. I think my friends have already left and the last of them are paying." I could see Cassie and Eddie at the tills handing over several galleons. Blaise and Zack were nowhere to be seen so I assumed they had become bored and left.

"No worries. Need to go save my little brother from the swarms of women desperate for him." I caught a glance of Ron - he was stood by himself in a corner attempting to figure out the logistics of a device that gives people an electric shock when they shake your hand. He figured it out soon enough as he clutched his hand in pain from the shock he received. I let out a small laugh, both at what Fred had said and after seeing Ron quietly curse out the small device. "Hope to see you again" added Fred.

"We'll see" I said with a smile and with that, he made his way to his brother, shaking his head in disappointment with his inability to work the device.


"Seriously? A weasley?"

"Bloody hell Malfoy we only spoke. Your acting like I made out with the lad." I responded to Draco, shocked he had spoken to me.

As we all left the shop, Draco walked up to us, still uninterested in telling us where he went. Cass started to tell them about my talk with Fred, over exaggerating certain details. Draco had stayed silent until that point, only breaking his silence to display his disgust at me talking to a member of the Weasley family. 

"Oh but I bet you want to" Cass said to me with a cheesy grin.

"I most certainly do not" I responded to her with a laugh. It was starting to get dark so we were on our way back to the castle.

"I would be seriously concerned if you did" Malfoy added.

"What's it to you?" I spat at him.

"Helena-" Cass started.

"No," I cut her off. "Why is it any business of yours who I speak to?" He simply stared at me with a cold look in his eyes. "You love to tell me what is and isn't my business. So I think you should keep to yours."

He was previously stood next to and slightly behind Blaise. Blaise was pushed to the side as Draco harshly took a step in my direction. He was only a few feet away from me so with his step, he was mere inches from my face. Blaise grabbed his arm hurriedly as he saw him come close to me. Blaise hardly pulled him back, though I didn't think Draco would of come any closer if he hadn't of grabbed him. It was more for the scare that he instilled in me.

"You love to stick your nose in my business. So keep out of mine and I'll leave you alone," he spat, his breath mere inches from my face.

He quickly turned on his heel and walked in the direction of the castle. I was left with the others staring at me.

They were taken back, but I knew they weren't surprised.


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