He's mine not yours

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Dazai was currently planting his face in the couch, looking absolutely dead. The only person in the office was ranpo who was snacking and watching a detective movie.
"All of them are idiots compared to me, why do you need 3 days?"
Ranpo looked over at the brunette.
"Dazai if you want to go on a date with mr fancy hat then just ask him out."
He muttered something inaudible but ranpo knew already.
"He could be waiting for you~"
Dazai immediately stood up.
"Ranpo kun where?!"
Mafia bar
"Thanks for accompanying me tachihara, akutagawa."
"Your welcome Chuuya san!"
(Ok so I also ship tachuu and chuuaku so yeah I am legit screaming for Chuuya harem though since he's pretty and smart and kind his entire squad loves him)
Chuuya was a lightweight not that he'll ever admit that, so he often needs someone to come with him.
He briefly wondered if he'll meet fyodor or dazai today.
"What's with my luck these days, meeting both of them nearly every day..."
He ordered a bottle of wine and sat down with akutagawa and tachihara, launching into some silly conversation of fishes and cats.
"And the fish goes oh sir don't eat me! And the cat be like, I'm a lady, and eats the fish."
The three burst out laughing, even akutagawa.
"Ah that's right Chuuya san what's with dazai san and fyodor san?"
Chuuya coughed while akutagawa patted him on the back.
"Oi michizou what's with that question?"
"A...ah it's nothing, just that Chuuya san has been encountering them lately so akutagawa san and I were wondering..."
"If something is going on with Chuuya san."
Chuuya felt warm inside looking at their concerned faces. Besides ane san very few has ever showed concern to his face. Chuuya gave a light smile, making both of them blush at his cuteness.
"Thanks, michizou ryuunosuke. But I'm fine, those giraffes can come at me and I'll send them flying!"
A very drunk Chuuya stumbled out of the bar, leaning on the both of them.
"Thanks...the both of you..."
"Ah! It's nothing Chuuya san."
"If it's for Chuuya san I'll kill everyone in this world except for dazai san."
"Akutagawa please don't say that."
They dropped Chuuya off at his house before leaving. Chuuya fell into his bed.
"Ah I drank too much..."
Chuuya passed out just as the door opened.
"Chibi kun you still have that habit huh."
Dazai smiled at his partner's flushed face, he still remembered how to get into his house, and lock picking wasn't a problem for the ex demon prodigy.
"Ora dazai kun is still here."
Dazai's smile immediately turned into a frown at the sight of fyodor leaning in through the window.
"Oh how did you get in."
"I climbed."
"You with your fragile little arms impossible."
"To see Chuuya I'll do anything."
Dazai scowled at the smug intruder. Fyodor was a pain in the ass before and even more now.
"Leave Chuuya alone he's mine."
Dazai stood in front of the other genius, blocking his view of the unconscious redhead.
"Who are you to lay claim to him, besides he's mine."
The two had a staring contest before fyodor back off first.
"Well then I probably won't get past you so I'll leave first. But don't forget dazai kun, Chuuya is mine, not yours."
Dazai waited until he was gone before turning back to Chuuya. Dazai gently caressed chuuya's cheek and felt his heart pang when Chuuya instinctively cuddled with his hand, curling up around it. He was immediately reminded of the dark era, when Chuuya was depressed or drunk he always cuddled up on dazai's lap, either pretending it never happened or not remembering it at all the next day. Dazai wondered if maybe they could have been more than partners on the battlefield if he had stayed. He was blind back then, not realising what he had until he lost them, with both odasaku and Chuuya. He did love odasaku, but he didn't realise he also felt feelings for his redhead partner. Dazai smiled as he wiped the drool off chuuya's mouth, sitting on the bed.
"Geez you're really like a dog aren't you Chuuya?"
Yet sometimes Dazai wished Chuuya wasn't like one. He was loyal, so loyal that he'll believe whatever lies Dazai told him, that he'll risk his life to save dazai's. Dazai wasn't naive nor ignorant, he knew he couldn't always be there to save Chuuya from corruption. That was the second reason Dazai left, hoping that the mutual trust will fade over time and he won't have to worry about chuuya. But 4 years later their bond is still going strong, Chuuya being so loyal that he'll willingly jump off a cliff to catch Dazai. Dazai stood up, withdrawing his hand, his heart breaking at chuuya's soft whimper and his hand unconsciously reaching out to dazai's.
"Chuuya, I love you."
Dazai was answered by snoring and he chuckled bitterly.
"Well the only time you'll hear me say that to your face is when I'm dying in your arms, and I can't leave my little dog alone with that shithole, so Gomenasai Chuuya, you'll never know what I want to tell you."
Dazai swept out of the room, knowing that the next morning Chuuya will be a ball of fury again and Dazai will be the one poking it with a stick.

You're mine...no matter whatDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora