I walked quietly out of the room and down the hallway. I walked downstairs and saw Bellatrix. I made my way back upstairs as soon as I saw her and went to the opposite direction.

I walked in a hallway and suddenly, Greyback's back was in front of me. I stood still and tried not to panick. I walked back silently and into another hallway.

There I heard a soft voice. I walked down to the cellar and I got closer to the voice. I saw a door and opened it and inside was Luna.

,,Luna!" I whisper yelled and she looked up with her bruised face. ,,What are you doing here?" I asked shocked.

,,Death eaters brought me here. Harry and Hermione are upstairs, (y/n). Just in case if you need to know." She said and I looked at her speechless.

,,Alright. At first, let's get you out of here." I said and she shook her head no.

,,You'll get in trouble, (y/n). It's okay."

,,No, Luna it's not okay." I said and heard death eater's voices coming closer.

,,Luna!" I whisper shouted. She didn't move.

As the death eaters were about to turn the corner, I hid behind a door across from the room Luna was in.

The death eaters passed Luna's door, looking in to check if she's inside and passed by. As they were gone, I came out and opened the door again.

,,Come on Luna." I said and she came out.

I led her to the exit and opened the door.

,,You can go now and be careful please." I said and she turned around.

,,Thank you, (y/n)."

,,No problem." I said and she walked out.

Without anyone noticing, I managed to go back to Draco's bedroom. Draco was already there and as I walked in, his head shot towards me.

,,Where were you?! Do you know how worried I was?!" He yelled and I flinched.

,,I just- I just-" he interrupted me with a hug.

,,Don't ever scare me again." He said and I nodded.

He walked back to his bed and sat down. After an awkward silence, I decided to ask him.



,,You have a journal?" I asked and he looked at me.

,,How do you-"

,,I found it." I pointed at it.

He took it quickly and put it into his wardrobe.

,,Do you write about stuff I don't know about?" I asked and he was quiet. ,,Draco?"

,,No." He said coldly, not looking me in the eyes.

,,Are you lying?" I asked and he didn't answer. ,,Can I read it?"

,,No." He said without hesitation.

,,So you're hiding something?" He was still quiet. ,,I wanna see it." I said standing up.

He stood in front of the wardrobe and blocked my way.

,,Draco, I thought we don't have secrets." I said, my voice cracking. I shoved him to the side slightly and took the journal.

,,(y/n), don't." He said slightly, tilting his head.

I got more scared by the second. I opened it and began to read.

(Flashback Draco pov:)

Today I received a letter from (y/n)'s father. He told me he would come to the Manor. (Y/n) doesn't know he's alive and that's for her best.

I've missed her over the holidays. I didn't even have time to write her any letters.

The night came and I heard a knock at my door. I opened it and there he stood. He grabbed the back of my neck and dragged me downstairs. He pushed me against the cold wall.

,,You will stay here until (y/n) comes to check on you. You are a couple I heard." He smirked.

,,Don't touch her." I said and he grabbed my arm.

,,I'll kill her." He said, grinning.

,,Crucio." He said and I felt an unbearable pain in my whole body. This kept on for the past eight minutes. I couldn't move after that.

,,Y- you pathetic excuse for a father." I managed to get out and he used the spell on me again. This time four minutes long.

,,Don't talk." He said.

I allowed him to come, because I know (y/n) wouldn't come to look after me.

I knew that he's alive from the very beginning. Yet I never told her that.

After he used the spell one last time, (y/n) came in...

(End of flashback (y/n) pov:)

In his journal he wrote down, that he knew my father was alive. He always did, yet didn't tell me.

He was the one, who allowed him to come to the Manor.

He thought I wouldn't care about him, wouldn't look after him.

I turned to him and closed the journal slowly, my eyes turning glassy.

,,You knew my father was alive?" I whisper asked.


,,You thought I don't care 'bout you." I whispered again.

I threw his journal on his bed and looked him in the eyes.

,,Everything that happened that night, was because of your stupidness?" I shouted.

,,(y/n) I-"

,,I thought we wouldn't have secrets, Draco. You told me don't keep anything a secret, while you kept this a secret. Kept it a secret, that my father is alive and a death eater?! You thought you're smart and would allow him to come. What would've been if I hadn't had my powers, Draco?! I would be dead! Are you aware of that?"

,,I'm sorry, (y/n). I know it was a mistake I-" he said worried, but I interrupted him with holding my hand in the air.

,,I really don't want to hear you right now." I whispered.

,,(y/n)." He whispered.

I walked to the door and turned the doorknob. Before I walked out, I turned my head to the side.

,,I don't even know why I thought it would be a great idea to come here with you." I said and shut the door. I seriously can't take this kid's lies anymore.

After I shut the door, I heard his fist collide with the wall and him shout. I stopped at first, wipped my tears out of my eyes and continued on my way back to Hogwarts.


Thank u for 2.88k reads!

Hope you enjoyed!


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