Old Friend

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Chae-sul's POV

When I woke up, my head was laying on something soft and warm. It was... moving? I opened my eyes and saw I was laying on Chan's chest. I tried to sit up, but his arms were wrapped securely around my shoulders. I sighed, giving up. After laying there for a moment, I realized I felt comfortable, safe. I found myself wrapping my arm around his waist, pulling myself closer to him as I fell back asleep.


I woke to a cold spot next to me. I opened my eyes, seeing that Chan was gone. I looked around the room, but didn't find him. I grabbed the remote, flicking through the channels until I found some cartoons. I never really got the chance to watch them growing up, Jin-young only watched sports. Well, he put them on the TV while he slept snoring in his chair. I grabbed my shirt from the bathroom floor and sat on the bed watching the cartoons. About a half hour later, Chan was back.

"Oh, you're awake. Um, I went and got breakfast." He sat a back of food on the desk. "How's your shoulder?"

"It still hurts, but not as bad as it did last night."

"That's good. Eat." He pulled a box of food from the bag and handed it to me. We ate in silence for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry for what I said last night."

"Don't be. You were right, and I should have talked to you before coming here."

"Yeah, but I was really rude. So I'm sorry." We went back to eating in silence. When we were finished, he cleaned up and sat next to me.

"You were right. I don't understand what it's like to not have anyone. But that doesn't mean I won't try to help you. I-I care about you, and I don't want you to get hurt anymore. So please, let me help you." I thought about it for a minute. Could he really help me? Was there really a chance I could never have to go back there?



I awoke to an empty room. I figured Chan was out getting breakfast, so I decided to take a shower. I grabbed some of the clothes we had spent the day before buying. When I got out of the shower, he still wasn't back, so I sat on my bed and watched TV.

"Sorry I took so long," he apologized when he finally got back. "Everywhere I went was really busy."

"Don't apologize, just give me the food." He chuckled, handing me a box.

"I know a place you can stay for a while."


"While I was out, I ran into a friend. She's been traveling for a while, but she's been in town for a few weeks. She's renting an apartment not far from here and said she could take you in for a while." I couldn't help but feel a little jealous when he said "she." "We wouldn't leave until this evening, just early enough that I can make it back in time for lights out."

"What about after that? What do we do next?"

"Well, I'm hoping my friend can help us with that, too. I'll come back into town next weekend and we can start then. Maybe I'll bring the guys, they'll want to see you."

"Sounds like a plan." I couldn't help feeling  nervous about the whole situation. Not only would I be staying with someone I didn't know, but I didn't want to be away from Chan. I couldn't really explain it, but I felt... safe around him. I tried to brush it off as we finished eating and got started picking the room up and getting ready to leave.


We stopped in front of a large, expensive looking apartment building. He grabbed my things out of the car, refusing to let me carry any of it, and we rode the elevator to the top floor. When we found the apartment number, he gently knocked on the door. I stood there in shock as I took in the woman who answered. Her loose crop top and baggy pants that screamed "I really don't care." Her blonde, shoulder length hair. Her voice when she finally spoke to me.

"I was wondering when you were finally gonna run away."


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