Chapter six Catching Up

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Nicolas P.O.V.
After I said that I knew Jeremy knew where to go it was our all time favorite place ever. When we were little we used to go exploring a lot that was our thing. One day I was being chased by him cause we were playing tag and we found this most beautiful clearing in the woods.

 One day I was being chased by him cause we were playing tag and we found this most beautiful clearing in the woods

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That's now our place when I got there I waited for Jeremy. I heard him he was calling my name and when he saw me he jumped into my arms. "Nikki I can't believe it your OK why did you runaway I was so worried". He just kept on rambling and after a good five minutes. When he was finally done he looked out of breath so I told him to sit down and listen to me.

Back at the grill nobody's P.O.V.

Back at the grill it was very loud everyone was talking about the Gilbert who just walked out with Jeremy in tow. Rebekah had arrived shortly after Jeremy had left she came as soon as she heard that her brothers and the Salvatore's all shared a mate a Gilbert no less. Now the only people in the grill were Damon, Stephan, Klaus, Elijah, Kol, Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, Rebekah, and Alaric. All of Nicolas mates were wondering one thing if she was supernatural like them then why didn't she feel the mating bond as well? While they were all in thought Matt, Caroline, Bonnie were filling in Alaric who was confused. " Since when did Elena and Jeremy have a sister?" he asked. "Since always Bonnie and Caroline said at the same time". "How come y'all never talk about her?" asked Alaric. "She ran away a few years before Stephan and Damon came to town" Bonnie said. "Wait really why" Alaric asked. Now everyone was listening in on their conversation. "We do- Bonnie said before Caroline interrupted and said "We don't know why she just up and left". "Well what was she like ?" he asked. "She used to be shy and awkward to be honest" said Caroline. "Care!!" Bonnie said. "What it's not like I'm saying that's it was bad she was still my best friend". "Oh did you guys know what she is or even that she was supernatural when she left?" asked Alaric. "No we honestly had no clue why she left, she just did" Caroline said. " I remember her telling me she couldn't handle it anymore and that she had to go.
Wait shit I didn't mean to say that forget what I just said. You know what, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." Matt said as he got up to go to the bathroom. Before he make it to the other side of the table Caroline super sped to him and held him in place with her Vampy strength. "WTH MATT YOU TOLD US SHE NEVER CAME TO YOU!" Caroline and Bonnie said at the same time. "I-I um... I lied sorry" Matt said, but as soon as she saw the look in the girls eyes he knew he was fucked. "Wait before you kill me she told me to keep it a secret" Matt said." Why would she ask you to not tell us where her best friends" Bonnie said." "Idk" said Matt. While they were all scolding Matt Nicolas mates were talking. "So what are we supposed to do" Stephan said. " What do you mean?" asked Elijah.

Hey my lovelies sorry its been absolutely forever I honestly forgot about this book but i hope you all enjoy😍💕💖

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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