"Did he come back home?" He shrugs, and sips the rest of his coffee. "And about misunderstanding him—how could I not? He doesn't explain why he hates the idea. Like.... do I always have to be the one who's considering things?"

"Ask me." I... He's in a far more worse situation than I am, and yet I ask him that question. "Just say yes, he's set in marrying you. He won't marry if it isn't you." I feel honored, and flattered, and Kenma's just smiling like he wants to tease me. "Anyway, no one can force you to marry him. Go home. I also have work to finish."

He drove me back to our apartment, and only waved at me before leaving. He's really busy these days. He was on another phone call about work. All he's been focusing on is work, and nothing else—well, aside from a little of his girlfriend. When I just see him, I first think of Misaki and how they should get back together.. then I'm reminded that I'm not in good terms with Tetsuro either.

I head upstairs, and open the front door. I find it weird that there's no noise—it's quiet. Kenma said he should be back home. They had him discharged from the hospital, so he should be here. I take my shoes off, and still try to listen to my surroundings. He's not here.. There's just a dead silence. He's not around.. or maybe he's sleeping? Wherever he is, we really need to talk to each other about us. I also probably scared him last night.

I head to the bedroom, and hit something when I tried opening the door. I peek through and find him sitting by the door. "Hey, I'm home..." He ignores me and remains to rest his head on his arms. "Tetsuro.." I touch something wet, and see blood on my fingertips. "You're bleeding! Did you cut yourself?" He peeks, and hides once again. "Go to the couch. Now."

He does as I say, and I find a cut on his foot as well. What the hell did he do?? I hurry to the bathroom to get the first aid kit, and a damp towel. I get back to him, and check his foot and his arm. Doesn't look like they were on purpose, but I still do have to check on them. I'll ask him, and hopefully he says the reason and cause for them. I didn't exactly expect to come home to him injured.

I dab on the wound with the towel, and wipe the blood off his skin. He only stared at me. No reactions, no noise, no anything. It's as if he doesn't want to see me at all. I guess... he's upset because I left him after he proposed to me. I'm going to prepare myself for anything hurtful that comes out of his mouth. I'll let him off... since I'm partly to blame for his current mood. I really have to apologize.

I bandage his foot, and tend to his arm. I slowly heard him make a sound. He started it off with crying. He's hiding his face behind a pillow. I feel like I'm tending to a 4 year-old boy, and not a 23 year-old man. I applied ointment, and bandaged it carefully, so he wouldn't be comfortable. I did it how he used to do my arms, not too loose nor too tight. I place his arm on his lap, and I sit beside him.

"How did you hurt yourself?" He points to somewhere, and I find the kitchen. The knife is on the floor, and the meat is... exposed and out in the open.  "Did you cut yourself? Or did it fall on you?"

"Fell on me." He was probably having an anxiety attack. He grabs my shirt, and clenches it into his fist. "If..... you don't want to marry me.... then that means..... you're... b-breaking up with me..?" What in the world? "I'm a bad.. boyfriend... am I not..? I don't let you do what you want.. I understand if you want to break up with me."

"Tetsuro... No, it's not that I don't want to marry you." I try to take the pillow away, and I find his nose bleeding. "Your nose..." I carefully lift his chin up for him to keep his head that way, and I hurriedly get tissues from the kitchen. Almost stepped on the knife. "Here. Stick it in your nose."

Historia. | Kuroo TetsuroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora