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Damien and Freya's wedding took place at a beach resort.
    Everyone is happy and especially Ymari.

    Congratulations!  Mom, Dad.
    Ymari greeted the two warmly.

    Freya and Damien hugged her warmly.

    Everyone partook and had a good conversation.

    After the wedding, the newlyweds were left at the resort.  And Ymari went home first.
    Calyx just took her home and returned to his Father.

    "This is the right time."  Ymari whispered.  She was getting dressed that morning and was planning to go somewhere.

    "How is William Davis' life?"  Ymari asked with a smirk and anger in her eyes.

    While William could not believe what he saw.
    "His daughter, is in front of him now."

    Ymari smiled wryly.
    "Looks like you ate your tongue forever Davis."  Ymari's voice dropped slightly but a smirk appeared on her face.

    When she found out that William was her real father.  Ymari also hates herself for being a relative of her blood.

    But she could do nothing. And while it lasts. Ymari learned a lot about William.  "His passion for Samurai and knives." Ymari inherited the skill of his hand in the use of those weapons.

    And as she thinks of Zack growing up with William. He was a good Uncle to cousin and ex-boyfriend.

    William watched her weep silently.

    "Forgive me."  Crying says William.

    "It's not enough to just apologize to Davis."  Ymari's eyes glazed over.

    "I just came here to make sure you pay for all your sins with my family."  Ymari was furious.

    "I don't know why you should! Why Zack and I need to get involved!"  It was there that Ymari began to cry remembering the situation she and Zack were in.

    William was stunned.  He knew what Ymari was referring to.

    "You don't have any blood related to Zack."  William said softly.

    Ymari was stunned by what William said.  Her jaw dropped in shock.

    "What did you say?"  Ymari stopped crying and stared at him.

    "He's not your cousin Ymari, you and Zack are not blood relatives."  William repeated this.

    Gradually he reached for Ymari's hands.

    "My sister just adopted him."  And William even told how Zack got to them.

    "Orphanage? Are you serious Hana?"  Confused William said to the brother.

    "Brother, the child is still sick. Martin and I talked about it, and my husband agreed."  Hana said softly to her older brother William.

    William shook his head before speaking.
    "It's up to you!"  And William turned away.  He could not say anything to his sister.  Because he knew that his sister could not give birth to a baby because of her illness.

    And Zack grew up with his sister Hana.  They are the ones who try to save the child's life from his complications and illnesses.

    As time goes on it causes marital discord.  And Martin left her.  Hana's attention was wasted on the child as well as their money.

    Hana became depressed and eventually lost her life.  She left Zack with his older brother William.

    "Brother, promise me you won't leave Zack."

    And until Zack grew up in William's care.

    Ymari was stunned, her chest throbbing loudly as she stared at William.

    "You can't fool me with that Davis?"  Ymari looked into the man's eyes.

    "There's no reason to fool you. I just hope it reduces the pain you're feeling right now."  William said sadly bowing to her.

    "Again, I appreciate your visit."  William stood up crying but smiling.

    Ymari was left shocked and still unable to believe.

    She came home light-hearted.

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