JANE (CONT'D) But you should know, telenovela shave completely ruined romance for me --

ALBA :Sssh.

The credits have ended. ONSCREEN: A man's back is to us. He's on a boat, looking out at the water with a beautiful blonde woman. This is RUBIO - an incredibly handsome telenovela star (40). In subtitled Spanish:
Despite the circumstances, there's one thing I know.
We were meant to be, my love...
Xo glances at Jane. Jane feels her gaze --
JANE What?
XIOMARA: Nothing. Eat your grilled cheese.
(romantic song swells in volume)
narrator: Meanwhile, 8.2 miles away
From where jane lives,
But half a world away...
Petra: Raf?
Rafael: Babe.
Petra: You all right?
Rafael: Yeah. Yeah. Just... Thinking. Worrying about the hotel.
Petra: Look, if anything goes wrong,
Your father will help out.
Rafael: (sighs)
Petra: Stop. Do you know who feels bad about taking money? People who have too much.
(both chuckling) That's better. See?
You just need to relax.
Magda: You're starting to seem desperate, petra. I do not blame you.
Your husband does not love you anymore.
Petra: You're wrong, mother. It's all right.
Tomorrow will change everything. I still haven't decided whether...
Magda: Oh, you will. You will.

Maybe michael's gonna propose.
Ale: that's true he might die
Lina: My sisters say guys get all cheeseball before they propose.
Jane: No way. We have a timeline, all right?
I haven't gotten my teacher's degree yet.
We just merged our calendars... You've been dating for two years
Lina: And you haven't boned. He might move up your timeline.
Ale: I've been telling her
Roman: Everybody decent?
Who are you?
Roman zazo. But everyone calls me zaz.
I work for the, uh, management company
That just bought the hotel.
So you can think of me as your new boss.
Roman: Pick a straw, please.
Pick one, keeping in mind there's nothing to worry about , As long as you're outstanding at your job. Pick one. Which benefits us all, seeing that we have the same goal, That goal being to make bank. Okay. Let's see those straws.
Jane: (sighs)
Roman: What's your name?
Lina: Jane. But everyone calls her jaz.
Roman:(snorts) okay, jaz.
Congratulations. You get the tail.
Everybody leaves to go work but Roman stops you
Roman: And who might you be pretty lady looking at Alejandra
Ale: my names Alejandra
Roman :pretty name for a pretty girl
Ale: thank you says while blushing
Roman: maybe I'll see you later
Ale: maybe
(Ale leaves to go work but bumps into someone)
Ale: my bad I didn't see you there
Ale looks up to see Rafael
Rafael: Ale?
Ale: Rafael?
Rafael: hey long time no see
Ale: yea I haven't seen you in months
Rafael : I didn't know you worked for at the hotel
Ale: I started a few months ago
Rafael : wanna get a drink or go talk somewhere later
Ale : yea ofc
Rafael: see you around
Ale: ok bye

Rafael: I can't believe we have to do this.
Luisa: Do what?
Rafael: I don't know, Luisa.
Luisa: Raf, if you're not happy, end it.
Rafael: It's hard. Petra stood by me. I know.
Luisa: But that doesn't mean that you owe her your whole life. Look, you've changed. I mean, of course you did. If you didn't change, then I'd be worried about you. And you know what? It's a good thing, Because you were so insufferable before.
Rafael: Hey!
Luisa: As your sister, I can say that. I loved you then, I love you now and... If you do get a divorce, it doesn't make you Our father.
Rafael: Thanks, Lu. Now go home to your wife.
Say hi to Allison for me.

Jane: Hey, do you remember a guy named Rafael Solano
Lina: When we worked at the yacht club? He was, like, a member..
Ale: The jerk you had a monster crush on?
Jane: I didn't have a monster crush on him. Ale's the one with the crush on him
Lina: We talking about the same guy? You had a magical kiss.
Ale: wait YOU KISSED HIM knowing I had a crush on him are you serious?
Jane : I didn't mean too it was an accident I'm sorry
Ale : dropping something is an accident but kissing the person you knew I liked wow don't talk to me!
Eva: Who'd you have a magical kiss with?
Jane: No one. I was young. It was nothing.
Meg: What was nothing?
Bartender :Hey, I need someone to run champagne to cabana four ASAP
Jane: got it
Ale runs to talk to her bestfriend Petra
Ale knocks on the door And Petra answers
Petra :what's wrong
Ale: i just found out that back then jane kissed Rafael knowing I had a crush on him and Ik your married to him to get the money for the prenup but it's hurts to know she kissed the boy I liked
Petra: hugs you and say it's ok she's gonna get Karma don't worry
Ale: thanks Ik you can always make me better well I gotta go back to work but let's hang out soon
Magda Comes out
Ale : oh hi Magda how are you feeling
Magda : better how are you
Ale: I'm fine we'll I gotta go bye guys
Petra and Magda : Bye
Meanwhile - - -
Jane enters cabana four -- it's bustling. Champagne glasses are set up. Jane goes over to the table, starts to pour.
MAN'S VOICE :I'll hand out glasses.
She looks up, grateful. It's Rafael. Don't freak out! She continues to pour. But he is looking at her.
You look so familiar...
JANE (overplaying a little)
Really? Hm... I'm not sure...
RAFAEL~ No, I really think we've met --
JANE~ (joking a little) I don't usually wear a bathing suit, if that helps--
RAFAEL ~ Oh. (then) Scores?
Jane: what?
Rafael: oh
Jane: Jerk

But they are interrupted by tinkling on a glass. It's Petra. She's holding up her champagne flute.
Petra :Please. A toast. To my husband.
Welcome back, babe...
As glasses are raised, Jane slips out...

(The next day)

In the doctors office~

Nurse~ Oh there you are dr. Alver. Your running a lil behind (I in Cell phone ringing)

Nurse~ Remember your covering for Dr. Peters. You have an insemination in room seven and a pap in 8

Luisa~ um yea insemination and a pap got it

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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