"Goodnight Black. I will see you tomorrow when the Dark Lord has returned and once your precious Harry Potter is dead."

The wardrobe closed and Lalia was stuck in darkness. Lalia leaned her head back against the wood behind her. 

Lalia's eye sight suddenly became bright white. She sat up thinking someone had opened the wardrobe, but instead found herself back in the graveyard with Harry. 

There was a large headstone reading:


that Harry had been tied to. 

"You!" Harry gasped, causing Lalia to turn and recognize the face of Peter Pettigrew. 

After Peter checked Harry's knots, he stuffed a black fabric away, and hurried out of sight. 

Lalia attempted to follow him, but felt the same tug at her waist from Harry's direction similarly to her previous vison. She glanced down to see if anything was connected to her and saw a  bundle of robes at the foot of the grave that was moving. Lalia gripped her forehead as it began burning. 

She looked to Harry, who's own face was furrowed in pain. There was a snake circling around the tombstone he was tied to. 

Audible grunts and wheezes alerted Lalia to Peter's return. He had a large cauldron, larger than any she had seen, that appeared to be filled with water. He placed it at the end of the grave, next to the moving robes. 

Peter lit a crackling fire beneath the cauldron and the large snake slithered away disappearing into the grass. 

The cauldron was bubbling, occasionaly shooting out fiery sparks from it's suface. 

The robes were moving quicker. And the high cold voice spoke again. 


"It is ready, Master."

"Now ..." said the cold voice. 

Peter pulled open the robes on the ground, revealing what was inside them. Lalia heard Harry attempt to yell at what was revealed. 

The thing Peter had been carrying had the shape of a crouched human child. It was hairless and scaly-looking, a dark, raw, reddish black. Its arms and legs were thin and feeble, and its face was flat and snakelike, with gleaming red eyes. 

It reached out to Peter, who grabbed the creature quickly even though he clearly found it revolting. Peter placed it into the cauldron where it disappeared from sight. 

"Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son!"

Lalia glanced down once more where a crack formed in the grave of Tom Riddle and spread rapidly across the rectangular plot. Out of the quickly enlargening crack came dust; it rose in the air and entered the cauldron with a loud hiss. 

Lalia stepped back as the cracks from the grave reached her feet. Peter had begun whimpering, crying as he continued to talk. 

"Flesh - of the servant - w-willingly given - you will - revive - your master." 

He raised his hand with the finger that he cut off over the cauldron. With his other hand he swung a dagger upwards before rushing down and cutting off his hand into the cauldron. 

Lalia was sure that if this wasn't a vision that she would've hurled at the sight. 

The potion turned a bright red, and Lalia hastily looked away as she heard Peter's next words. 

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