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"Ooof...ooof.....ooof" Bamsi paces back and forth of Artuk Bey's doctor tent. He bites on a bread and chews, then goes back to pacing. Turgut looks over at him with a soft smile, "Artuk Bey, hurry up! We haven't seen you since we moved to these borders, unless we got hurt. Nobody wants to purposely get hurt, Bey'm."

It was true. Artuk Bey was always hanging about tinkering in his doctor tent. Gunduz was growing up so quickly, but all Artuk saw of him was the yearly checkups or when Gunduz caught a cold.

"I am here!" Artuk Bey finally emerges from his tent, carrying a wooden box. "Oooo.....Selam Artuk Bey'm!!!!!" Bamsi runs toward the Bey and gives him a huge bear-like hug.

"What's in the box, Artuk Bey?" Turgut looks behind him and sees that a small group of Alps have gathered. "Give him a break, Melikshah," Turgut laughs, "Let him see the sky first."

After all the hugging and rejoicing, Artuk Bey decides to showcase what was in the box. He opens the crate for everyone to see a bunch of black, white, red, and rose gold rectangular devices. On each was a blank black screen, a pressy-downy thing on the bottom, and a blinky circle lighty thing on the top and back.

"Nedir bunlar, Artuk Bey?" Halime Sultan asks as she picks a rose gold one up. Artuk Bey goes into an excited mode and starts talking. Everyone listens intently to what he has to say.

"Ever since we got here, I have been working on an invention. These are the inventions I have made. They are all the same thing. I call each and every one of them a tele. These are devices, that are made up with a bunch of scrap metals. You can instantly send a message or foto or post or call through these. For example, if Ertugrul Bey was in Konya with his tele and I was here with mine, he could send me a message or he could call me, very quickly. A call is where you hear the other person's voice through the tele, whereas a message is where you send sentences. A post is where you can write or put fotolar for everyone to see. A foto is where you can capture an image of this world."

Everyone ooh-s and aah-s as Artuk Bey hands out the devices. All the Alps take matching red ones, while Hatuns go for rose gold. The black and white ones are then distributed to the people of the tribe, who thank Artuk Bey for finally letting them be a part of the cool stuff.

Artuk Bey shows everyone how to use the rectangular things, and advises the Hatuns to weave covers as the tele is a very fragile invention.

Soon enough everyone is creating their own profile. Artuk Bey shows them his, and they all seek to bypass him in his technological knowledge and editing skills.

Hi everybody!! I hope you like my new story and enjoy all the edits I made. The next chapter will showcase a few of the Kayi people's accounts. The phone numbers, emails, and instagram usernames are NOT real, and I just picked random letters and numbers. PLEASE DO NOT TRY ADDING THESE PEOPLE OR CALLING THEM! I don't know, but it may actually be a real person's number.

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