???: That's it sir! We had it!

He looked at him before walking to him and grab him by the hair and lift him off his feet

???: What was that?

???: I said...we aren't doing what you want!''

He smiles as he threw a punch to the boys gut

???: GAH!

He vomited as he was dropped and he landed on the ground along with a loud thud. He coughed as he tried to get up but he stomped on him until he stopped moving.

???: Get rid of this garbage...and since you all don't want to do as I say like he said you all will be punished before sent to training...see if it'll teach you little shits a lesion.

The start punching the kids and right as they got to me

Anyway, me and the test subjects escaped and we ended up in foster homes. I was taken to a foster home and doe to the household have a father that wants to have all his children to be girls, making him and his brother Qrow to be the only males in the house and since they couldn't find a girl to adopt, they took me and made me think I was a girl for a while.

Eventually, I found out and rejected continuing on being a girl and that lead to slapping, then punching, then full on abuse like tourture like eletracuting, burning, drowning and more. One day, my aunt and mother got drunk and rape me and from that night, their abuse to me was rape and when Qrow got drunk, he smashed bottles on my head and sometimes cut me with the pieces or make me lick it up making all kinds of cuts on my mouth and the never ending teste of blood.

Out of all this, there was two in the house that never lay a hand on me...my two big sisters.

Asia never hit me because she loved me for who I was and didn't care if I was a boy or girl. She would always show me the love of a sister and a mother. She gives me kisses, hugs, warms me up by secretly sneaks me into her bed since those pricks only gave me a broken mattress with no pillow or blanket and feed me when they don't and takes care of my wounds...basically what they don't do.

My other sister Matsuri is different...she is like them but she doesn't take no for an answer. When I told her I wanted to be a boy, she thought it was a joke, when telling her I was serious she started freaking out and the next thing I know she was a yandere but instead of killing for my love, she just doesn't accept the fact I'm a boy and does whatever she can to make me...once she tried to cut off my...you know what to make me a girl.

Once day...the one I loved was killed...here's what happened.


Red...the same colour as the blood stained brown hair

I look at them...sis...no...

I tear up before closing my eyes but then open them and sneak around them and to the kitchen and grab a knife

Without a moment to lose...I attacked

And then again

And again...


He stopped moving

And when planning on one more attack but my sister grabbed me and from thinking someone else was there, I attacked them but then realised...

The blood of my sister was on blade instead.

The knife came out...and I realised it was her.

Connor: Big sister!

I hold her bruised body

Asia: Con...nor...I love...you.

And with that...she died...

From weak fat boy to strong badassWhere stories live. Discover now