Here in front of me,Shining so much brighter than I have ever seen

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Julie's POV: 

"But Julie, what i did wasn't right. I thought what i was doing was right, that you needed me gone. I was wrong, Jules. I should have never let you push me away. I made a promise" 

"Luke" i say moving beside him. I wanna hold his hand or hug him. I wanna feel safe in his arms. 

"I'm sorry Jules" He says grabbing my hand, i give him a hopeful look but then my hand goes right through his. I turn to the other side and stand up. 

that was so awkward..... 

"i should probably go" he says with an laugh. 

"wait" i mumble. He turns to me and gives me a confused look. 

"yeah, Jules?" he ask, sending butterflies fluttering in my stomach. 

"I umm, nothing never mind" 

"Mija" My dad calls from downstairs "Dinner" 

"i gotta go" I say, he nods and poofs out. I run downstairs and sit down across from carlos. 

"Julie what were you doing?" Carlos ask

"I was just hanging in my room" 

"i thought i heard someone else talking" He says giving me a glare and My dad gives me a look. i clear my throat. 

"i-i was umm watching TV" i say looking down at my plate. 

"Hmm okay" Carlos shrugging and eating his food. 

"so how was your day at-" We hear noise coming from the garage.

"what's that?" Carlo ask

"I must have left the stereo on in the garage" I say getting up and running outside. I lean on the frame of the door for a moment. I watch Luke and his band play, they look so happy.  I don't wanna wreck this but- 

"Guys" i yell getting there attention. They stop playing and look at me 

"Y'all can't be playing out here when i'm not around. The whole neighborhood can hear you" 

"wait people can hear us" 

"yes, so did my dad and brother"

"Actual people can hear us, what kind of ghost are we?" Alex ask, jumping up from his drums and pacing around. 

"Who cares man, people can hear us" 

"we may be dead but our music isn't" Reggie says high fiving Luke. I just laugh and shake my head. 

i turn away to leave. When i hear Luke say something

"Jules wait" he says, i turn back to him and tilt my head in confusion. 

"do you mind if we stay here?" he ask, shyly.

"No i don't mind, stay here as long as you want" I say smiling. I see Alex and Reggie celebrate behind him, making me giggle. "and another thing, Jules" 


"Umm, i think you're an amazing singer. Like i knew you were good but the other day, i don't knw it was different. I just wanted to let you know, i think it was amazing" 

"Thanks Luke. I think i might ask Mrs. Harrison if i could rejoin the music program, i mean i'm not really sure yet" I say fiddling with my hands. 

"Could we talk outside Jules?" i nod and we walk outside. I close the door to give us some privacy. 

"Jules, you have to rejoin the music program. Your amazing" 

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