Bittersweet love story bout a girl

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Julie's POV:
I run into the house, not caring who's home. I slam my door and collapse onto my bed, sobbing. It's all over. I've lost everyone, I'm all alone. What am I supposed to do? I stay on this same position crying until I hear someone downstairs. Then my phone starts ringing. I pull it out of my pocket and look at the caller ID, it's Flynn?


"Hey Julie, look before you hang up. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let you push me away. I want to fix things and I'm worried about you. I heard about music today" 


"Can I come over? Please?"


"great, I'll see you soon" i stare at my phone in shock. Flynn really wants to still be my friend, after everything i did. How i pushed her away. I walk downstairs and my dads sitting in the kitchen, great. 

"Hi Mija"

"hi Popi"

"So i got the call from the school"

"i figured as much" 

"Mija, you still love music right?"

'I-I don't know. I just can't play anymore, it hurts so much dad. I miss her" 

"me too but we gotta move on. We have to live for her"

"I know"

"speaking of music, where's Luke? i haven't seen him in a while"

"he joined a band, sunset curve. He's so happy now"


"We probably won't be spending much time together, i don't know if he still wants to be my friend"

"Julie of course he does, i'm saying this because i love you. You and Luke are way more than just friend. You two have always had this connection, i'm not sure what it is but i know that it's unbreakable."

"thanks dad" i say and give him a hug. My dad kiss my head and he gets up. 

"i have to go but i'll be home later" 

"okay, love you" i walk outside and into the garage, all those memories come rushing back. I graze my hand over the piano, my eyes start to well. 

"I miss her too" Carlos says behind me. 

"Hey kiddo" i say walking over to him.

"i heard you and dad talking, so we aren't gonna be seeing Luke anymore" 

"i don't think so" I say wrapping my arm around his shoulders. He leans into me and gives me a small hug. 

"i think she can see us right now" Carlos says

"Me too"  i say and give him another hug. i hear a car pull up outside and Carlos runs off.  I take one more glance around the garage before i leave. I walk inside and Flynn's already waiting inside. 

"Julie" she says getting up and hugging me. I'm surprised at first but then it feels normal, i hug her back. I missed her.

"Hey Flynn"

"Where were you?"

"just outside, Let's go up to my room" i say running up the stairs. She follows me and we get into my room. 

"it hasn't changed one bit" she says, a soft smile creeping up on her face. We both sit on my bed and i tell her everything that happened. We talk for hours, its amazing. I have my best friend back

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