Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? - 8

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Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? by followbutterfly


Harry spluttered over his pumpkin juice as Fred and George announced at the breakfast table who was going to join them in their little Quidditch practice up on the hill near the Burrow. Ginny giggled and Hermione failed to hide her giddy smile.

Ron was not inclined with their new comer, but George only shrugged, "he's our neighbour and the hill's not far away from his house. Come one, Ronnie. Be hospitable to our guest, will ya?"

Harry was certain that he heard Ron swear under his breath, "so are you" but for the rest, they just heard him grunt involuntarily.

Bill and Charlie insisted they wouldn't want to join them since 'it would not be fair' to counter with the adults, even Charlie was a little tempted when he heard that Cedric would be joining them.

"I'm not surprised he's made a Captain," he said cheerfully during the breakfast, "he has a good shape and a good heart, that boy."

Fred made a raspberry noise as George and Ron rolled their eyes, but it was Ginny who had quite a shocking remark, "did you fancy him, Charlie?"

Harry was trying so hard to gulp the juice without choking on it and hoped no one would see his ears turned red, but Charlie just laughed it off.

"Blimey, no! He was only second year when I graduated! He was a good seeker though. I remembered he helped Oliver Wood to get on his broom since he was too nervous to fly and puked after getting on his broom for fifteen seconds."

Harry remembered Wood related his first game to him but he couldn't imagine how embarrassed Oliver Wood had been to be carried to the hospital wing by his teammates and the help of the other team's seeker. He laughed with the other Weasleys at that image but promised not to tease Wood after getting back to Hogwarts.

They marched up to the small hill near the forest, all of them, except Hermione, carried their own broom. The sun was lingering on the shoulder of the hill as they reached the flat field surrounded by oak and maple trees where a figure was waiting for them.

Harry's heart seemed to jump from his chest and swooped up and down when he saw Cedric smiling and waving at them. He dressed up in muggle clothes, wearing a light blue jacket with dark red t-shirt, jeans and worn-out sneakers.

He never saw Cedric in other than Hogwarts uniform before and those casual clothes made him more relaxed, approachable and even dashing in the sunlight.

Harry hurriedly hid his blush as Cedric came to greet them one by one. He shook hands with Harry the last.

"Hey," his hands lingered with his, "sorry for the earlier match. I wish we could have the rematch after all."

Of course Cedric would mention their last encounter with Harry being scared to death by the dementors and falling off the broom in front of him. First impression indeed.

He had never seen Cedric so up close and talked directly to him, addressing him and recalling the mortifying incident. Harry felt the lump on his throat as he forced the voice to come out, "yeah, no. Don't mention it." He took the hand off from Cedric so the older boy couldn't notice that it was sweating.

It was the twins that intentionally saved Harry from the awkwardness, "how about today's the rematch?"

Cedric chuckled, he turned to twins and clearly didn't notice Harry's melting from the inside. "Sure, but I also have to team up with at least two of you anyway."

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