Chapter One: A day in May

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        It was the sixth day of May. My Birthday. Before I get too far, I should probably tell you about myself. I'm Bob. I have green eyes, black hair, and get mostly A's with the exception of a few B's. Anyway, I was walking up to my front door, wondering what horrible birthday present I would get from my parents for my fifteenth birthday. They say "celebrating birthdays is as pointless as flinging yourself into a river," they're annoying. Last year they got me a video game for the PS3 but didn't bother getting me a PS3 so I could play the game. Now you see what I live with.

***************************************************************************************************************  7:00 PM, Eastern Daylight time

It's time to see what horrible present my parents got me this year. "Bob, you're going to enjoy your present this year, more than any other present we've given you," that's what they said last year. "You're fifteen now, so you're old enough to travel alone," okay, this is getting weird... "We know how much you like trains, so all these years ever since your thirteenth birthday, we've been saving up to send you to London," I was shocked. I had gotten bad presents those last two years because of this? Totally worth it. "You'll be spending all summer there, we've bought you a home, too." You saved that much money in two years? All I could manage to say was "thank you," my voice coming out high and squeaky.

AN- I know it's a rather short chapter, but I don't think I could fit anymore into it, mkay. So yah, don't blame me, blame logic, mkay. :P in the words of one of my British friends "m8, logic went out the window years ago." I replied to this with "Yah, down 200 stories."

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