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We're all mad here

A Jelsa in Wonderland story

By: KittyKat


"Take her and run!" yells a woman wearing all white, her snow white hair blowing in the wind. "Queen... Are you sure?" Ask Crystal as she holds a baby girl in her arms. It was weird being in the woods at night like this, it wasn't safe. The Queen touches her baby's forehead, "As much as it pains me to see her leave, I can't let her live here. She won't be safe if she stays here in Wonderland." Tears start to fall form the Queen's eyes, "My sister has already taken one of my children, and my kingdom, I can't let her get her. She is our only saver. If something happens to her, Wonderland is doomed."

She stops looking at her child and looks at Crystal, the only person she trust to raise her daughter, to protect her. "She'll be safe with you Crystal, you are my best friend, when the time comes, and she'll come back to Wonderland and regain this kingdom." I see more tears go down her face. "You must go before someone finds us." The Queen says as she starts walk with Crystal and her baby to the well. "This well will take you to a new world, a world to raise her." Crystal nods and sits on the well, ready to jump. "Wait!"

Crystal looks back at the Queen as she walks over to her and grabs her daughter. They touch foreheads, "I love you so much. You'll understand why I did this when you get older." She kisses her on the head and gives her daughter back to Crystal. "Please be safe." The Queen says as she starts to walk away, away from her best friend, and her daughter. Crystal takes a deep breath as she looks into the well. "This is it...." She looks at the little Princess in her arm. "We'll be okay Princess Elsa... We'll return to Wonderland soon, for you to defect the Red Queen."

And with that, she jumps.

Hey guys!! So here is the Prologue for my new story!!!! I have a lot of ideas for this story and I'm very excited to write it!! I LOVE Alice in Wonderland to death and have always wanted to write a story about it!! So why not make it into a Jelsa story? I really hope you guys like this story, and for everyone who is worried about Frost and Snow don't worry, I'm still working on it! I just need to take some time. Give me time I promise I'll get it done.

So leave me some comments, I love hearing from you guys! And if you like this Prologue then maybe give it some votes! Love you guys so much thank you for all the support and love and everything! It means so much to me that you guys like what I write. Sorry for my grammar and spelling!!!

~Kitty Kat

We're All Mad HereOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora