"But that's not the same" he says dragging out the 'e'

"I'm sorry Freddie, I have to go, I'll be back in a few days" I say frowning when he lays back down and turns his back on me

I sigh as he doesn't respond before I place a kiss in the side of his face and apparate back home


Fred's pov:
I was. a bit sad when y/n told me she was leaving, Ive gotten quite attached to her so I didn't ever want her to leave

I had laid back down when she had finished talking, turning my back on her

I hear her sigh as she places a kiss on my head before apparating back home

'Oh no, I've upset her' I think to myself as I rip the covers off me and head to Georges room

I stand over him and slam a pillow, startling him

"What the fu- Fred what are you doing? Where's y/n?" he says groggily

"I think I upset her" I say frowning

"What do you mean?" he says rubbing his eyes more

I explain the situation, getting sad as I hate upsetting her

Meanwhile, back at 12 Grimmauld place ~

I walk through the corridor, shouting out to
dad, Remus or Tonks

"In here y/n!" I hear dad shout from what seems to be the living room

I head in to find dad on the couch, flicking through a newspaper

"Hey dad" I say walking over and sitting next to him

"Hey dear, everything okay? He says pulling me to his side

"I was wondering if I could have like a sleepover with the twins maybe for a few days?" I say slightly nervously

"Hm I don't know...". he trails off

"Pleaseee dad, I'll write to you every now and then"
I say putting my hands together

He looks as if he's thinking

"Okay you can go but! after that week you must stay home, it's been so long since you've stayed home darling and it's very quiet here" he says with a frown

I pull dad into a hug "Thank you dad and I promise I'll stay home after that week"

I wish him goodnight before rushing up my room and grabbing some parchment and ink and a quill

I write down the letter, informing the twins about the plans

"Y/n!" dad shouts from downstairs

"Yeah!" I shout back heading down to where i find him in the laundry room

"Where's half on your clothes gone?" he asks

"Oh I've left them at the twins, do you want me to go get them?" I ask

"If you don't mind and you can sleep there if you get too tired" he says with a knowing smirk

I give him a playful glare as I apparate back to the twins flat

"Twins!" I shout as I head up the stairs into the hallways

It's quiet before I hear footsteps and a giantfigure leaps onto me, clinging like a koala

Knowing it's Fred as George comes out of his room

"What's wrong Freddie?" I ask

"He got paranoid that he had upset you when you left and so since you're here now, he feels the need to apologise" George says at his simp twin as he walks back into his room

"Freddie? I'm not upset you, you know that right?" I say rubbing his back

He nods signalling he doesn't feel like talking

With the strength I have, I take myself and this 6'3 koala back to his habitat

I put him on his bed and go to close the door, when Fred clings onto my arm as if I were to leave again

"Fred I'm just closing the door" he lets go of my hand and I quickly close the door, leaving it just open

I take my shoes off and my thicc jacket as I climb into the bed, Fred immediately clinging to me

He wraps his arms around my stomach and places his head on my shoulder

I put my hand onto his head, running my fingers through his ginger locks

He sighs in content as he snuggles further into me

"I'm sorry" is all he says before fully drifting off to sleep

This was something I had learnt about Fred when we first started dating is that if he ever thought he did something wrong, the way he'd apologise was through physical touch and affection

He wouldn't speak during that time, he would just embrace me for hours and would be a little quieter than usual until his sure that you don't hate him

1351 words ~

my yellow - fred weasley Where stories live. Discover now