[TL Note: In China, people call others 'elementary schooler' for being noobs. Many elementary schoolers in China play League, and they are bad.]

"Right! A group of noobs!" Xiaoyao Ancestral Master cursed, "This game is free for the enemies! Free!"

The moment he said it, he saw that Evil Emperor Shang Jiuwen sitting next to him was busy playing as Wukong.

He glanced at the score and saw that KD was 0-9.

[TL Note: KD: Kill – Death.]

"... You're a noob!"


"I hear that Erlang Immortal Master is no less powerful than the Great Sage, Heaven's Equal..." After watching the fourth episode of Journey to the West, people were either buying Wukong's champion and skin gift bags or talking about the content of the TV Series.

[What's the background of Erlang Immortal Master...?] Many people sent messages to the shop owner, asking, [Sir, can you explain it to us?]

After all, this mythology system was so huge that lots of the stuff in it was unheard of for people in this world despite the knowledge that they obtained in the Legend of Sword and Fairy and the Legend of the White Snake.

At this moment, Fang Qi was in the Cultivation Room, studying the System which was 50 percent upgraded.

Words on the System Interface said, [The upgrade is not finished. Host, please experience parts of the upgraded content by yourself.]

Before Fang Qi, the world was desolate. The land had collapsed with only countless heavenly pillars supporting a giant and magnificent palace in mid-air.

An impeccable and extremely noble ultimate godly figure stood on the godly palace!

The figure was Qi Tiandi!

Standing opposite to him was a white-robed swordsman who was looking forward fearlessly with a chilly gaze while gusts flapped his robe and belt violently!

Standing next to the swordsman was a white-robed monk who raised a hand vertically before his chest with a merciful look on his face.

There were words next to the figures.

[Qi Tiandi, the Saint Demon Vital Embryo. Synchronization Rate: 3%. Complete Synchronization in this space: not available]

[Feng Zhihen, the Demonic Style Sword. Synchronization Rate: 15%. Complete Synchronization in this space: available]

[Yi Yeshu, the Brahma. Synchronization Rate... ]

Then, with a spin of the pendant in Fang Qi's hand, the scene before him changed.

It changed into a monkey dressed in gold armor and holding the Golden-Hooped Rod. Opposite to the monkey were gods and buddhas filling the sky!

[Sun Wukong, the Great Sage, Heaven's Equal. Synchronization Rate: 2%. Complete Synchronization in this space: not available]

[Yang Jiang, the Erlang Immortal Master. Synchronization Rate: 2%. Complete Synchronization in this space: not available]

As a note on the side, the synchronization rates were determined by Fang Qi's progress in training instead of the power of the characters.

"It added... this wondrous function?! In the Cultivation Room, I can train in a certain battle as a certain character?!" Mr. Fang looked at the scene before him with great pleasure and surprise.

"Huh... Who's sending me messages?" Mr. Fang was about to enter cultivation when many messages popped up on his communication jade.

"Erlang Immortal Master...?"

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