She broke into a smile, but suddenly noticed another woman approaching them. Meredith's eyes widened, squirming quickly to let Thomas know she wanted to be put down.

"Auntie Martha!" she called as Thomas set her back on the ground. She ran to the woman, who, much like her husband, smiled at the small girl.

"Hello, Meredith," Martha greeted warmly as she bent down to kiss her on the forehead. "How are you tonight?"

"I-I'm doing the greatest! Where is—?"

With perfect timing, two blue eyes poked out from behind Martha's deep purple gown. Meredith took in another long gasp before running around the woman, nearly slamming into the six-year-old.

"Bruce! Bruce!" She wrapped the boy in a hug which he was clearly not expecting. His cheeks turned red in embarrassment, almost matching his tie, but Meredith didn't notice, or care. She let him go, grabbing his hands. "You will neverrr guess what Uncle Tommy just told me!"

She cupped her hands around her mouth and pressed them to his ear. "He says we can have puffs before dinner!"

Bruce's face lit up, any shyness long gone at the mention of the dessert, turning to his father expectantly. Thomas smiled, mouthing "go" and waving them towards the kitchen with his hand. Bruce laughed, pulling Meredith back through the crowd by one of her arms. They weaved around dancing couples and through the butler doors to the kitchen, which was just off of the hallway by the ballroom.

They burst into the large room, Bruce letting go of her as he ran up to the massive refrigerator. It took him a moment to tug open, using all of his body weight. Meredith stood next to him, and Bruce suddenly let out a shout. She noticed that one of the many shelves filled with trays was empty.

"Hey!" he complained. "Where'd they go? Alfred always keeps them right there!"

Meredith cocked her head but didn't need to find an answer as another voice filled the room.

"You guys've gotta be faster than that if you want the good stuff."

The two turned around to find her brother sitting at the kitchen island, smirking, and face full of cream puffs.

"Devin!" she cried as Bruce rushed forward. Devin grinned, teeth covered in chocolate. He held the silver tray above his head, putting a hand out to keep Bruce away.

"You snooze, you lose, Shortstack." He laughed, his hand messing up Bruce's previously perfect black hair.

Bruce finally gave up, stepping back with a huff and crossing his arms. "One day I'm gonna be bigger than you, Devin! I am turning seven next week!"

"Still sounds like a baby to me," Devin snorted. Meredith huffed, walking around behind her brother and hitting him in the shoulder, effectively making him drop the platter. It clattered unceremoniously on the counter, and she slapped his hand away when she tried to reach for it again.

She picked up a single pastry. "You're only eleven! That's not an adult."

Devin rubbed his shoulder, getting pushed out of the way by Bruce, who shoved three cream puffs into his mouth at once.

"Eggsactwee," Bruce muffled in agreement.

The sound of the door opening was heard. "And just what is going on in here?"

They looked to the British voice, and all three pairs of eyes widened. Devin stepped away from them as if to not be associated with the two younger children.

"Bruce and Meredith ate all of the cream puffs!" he declared. "I tried to stop them, but Meredith hit me!"

"We did not!" Meredith slapped her brother again.

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