Chapter 11

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It's already afternoon but she's still not here. Then I saw my mother walking towards me. I

"Mom?! Where did you go?!" I said worriedly.

She sighed heavily and looked at me.

"I just did something important. Where's my grandchild?"

I pointed at the kids in the backyard. She then went there and I looked at them.

I suddenly missed her...

I suddenly heard a honk of a car behind me so I looked behind and saw him.

My husband...

He got out of his car and went towards me. He hugged me and peck my forehead. I smiled and hugged him as well.

I miss him...

I then heard footsteps behind me so I looked back and saw the kids running towards us. I giggled and pulled away from the hug. They went towards their father.

"Kai? I thought you'll be home next week?" My mother said while looking at him.

"Mom, I went home earlier since my job there is done already," he said and bowed at her.

My mother just nodded and smiled at me. I looked at her confusedly while she just shrugged at me.

"Hon? Let's get inside?" He said and hold my waist.

"Yeah, let's go ahead," I said and smiled slightly.

We went inside our house. I hold my chest because it's beating nonstop. I never thought I'll feel this again after her.


I should have felt this since our marriage but I never did not until now. I shook my head and massaged my temple.

"Are you fine?" I heard in my ear and that made me stiffen in my place.

I felt him hug me from behind. He put her head on my neck and I felt his lips on it.

"I miss you" he whispered.

"Kai?" I said and pull away from him.

He hummed and looked at me.

"Did you see her?"

I saw hurt flashed across his eyes but when he saw me looking his face softens.

"I'm sorry"

I nodded disappointed by that fact. I left him there and went to our kids' room. I saw the two of them sleeping deeply.

"I'll promise to find your sister soon," I said and kiss their foreheads.

My two sons...

I suddenly remember my other half talking about having kids when we were still in high school.


I was walking to go to school when I heard some quick footsteps behind me.

"Ruby!" I heard and saw my twin sister.

I shook my head and looked at her.

"Unnie? Why?"

"Let's go together?" She then smiled at me.

I nodded at her and we went together walking. We then saw kids running and playing with each other. I heard a giggle beside me and that made me look at her confusedly.

"I've always wanted to have kids running around the house when I got married,"  she said and smiled sincerely.

"That's what you want?"

She nodded at me.

"But then choosing this profession is one of the challenges of it in the future"

"Why? It's good to be called an Attorney and your child will probably be proud of you"

She smiled and said, "Time will be the great teller of it and I don't think I'll be a good mother"

"As you said time can tell so don't doubt yourself"

"I want you to have that dream of mine. I want you to be happy with someone and have kids..."

I widened my eyes and shook my head.

"I want to see you happy, Ruby..."

She cared so much about my well-being while I just brought pain to her. Maybe that's one of the reasons.

I can't love him...

Even though my heart says otherwise...

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