Chapter 1

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It all started when my parents went bankrupt we lost everything including our house. My parents want me to move in with one of their friends, but they live 2 hours away, which means a new school. I've been at my school since 4th grade I don't want to move 2 hours away and go to a new school. My parents think it'll be good for me to make new friends since I'm kinda a loner at school but I don't know. I've never been good at meeting new people, but my parents wouldn't take no as an answer.

The taxi drops us off at this huge house, I don't even know how to feel. This place is huge, my old house could fit into this maybe 50 times. When I finally get the courage to knock a really sweet-looking lady opens the door. She said her name was Mrs. Jones. She asked if I was Carmen and I nodded my head. The next thing I knew I was being welcomed inside and then I saw it the most amazing looking boy id ever seen. I guess I must've zoned out because she was asking if I was alright. I said "yea" and asked if she had a daughter and she just laughed, i was wondering if i said something funny. She looked at me and said, "your parents didn't tell you". My heart was racing i was prepared for her to say something terrible, instead she said, "no I have 7 sons". I was shocked, why didn't my parents tell me. I was so confused, did they not tell me so I wouldn't freak out and refuse to go. I was in shock, I was gonna be living with 7 boys.

The next thing I heard was your going to be staying across the hall from Aaron, I paused who was Aaron.

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