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Jacobs walked into the room that contained SCP-9999-1 to see them still awake despite it being the dead of night. It wasn't really much of a surprise though. Through observation, the Foundation found out that SCP-9999-1 and SCP-9999-3 rarely slept.

As soon as Jacobs entered the room, the bug kid immediately noticed his presence and went on the defensive. It honestly hurt Jacobs to see them act like this.

"Hey, hey... It's ok, buddy. I'm just here to ask a few questions. It's gonna be standard questions just to help us learn more about you? Is that ok?" Jacobs asked in a calm voice. The SCP observed Jacobs for a moment and nodded. The man approached the bug child, causing them to quickly back away and get even more defensive. Jacobs took the hint and sat against the wall opposite from the child. He took a quick look at the questions before starting his interview.

"Let's get started. What's your name?" Jacobs asked. SCP-9999-1 just pointed at the clipboard. They wanted to write down their answers, so Jacobs just slid them a piece of paper and a pencil. They always gave interviewers extra paper for any extra notes or observations.

The kid scribbled something down on the paper and passed it back to Jacobs. It said, "Sis calls me Ghost" with a little drawing of SCP-9999-2 next to it. He scribbled down what Ghost wrote and made an extra note that included SCP-9999-2 being their sister. Getting an answer out of the kid got him thinking.

"So, you clearly know how to talk, so why don't you?" Jacobs questioned as he passed the paper back to Ghost. The bug child stopped and looked down, which made Jacobs wonder if he should have even asked the question in the first place.

The kid eventually wrote down an answer and passed it back to Jacobs, not even making eye contact with him. Jacobs looked at the paper to find four phrases with a creature that, to Jacobs, honestly looked like he had a fork for a head. The phrases said, "Do not think... Do not speak... Do not hope... Do not..." Jacobs looked at the SCP with a lot of concern.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. Ghost just shook their head. Jacobs then asked if they would like to continue the interview, in which the bug nodded. He wrote down the information and decided to continue. They could come back to that topic another time. Jacobs knows that those topics are hard for a lot of people to talk about. Especially children.

"Alright. Just tell me if you need a break. Now, what exactly are you? Like, in terms of species?" Jacobs said, passing the paper back to the bug kid. Again, they scribbled something on the paper and passed it back. The paper said, "Vessel".

"What's a vessel?" Jacobs questioned. Ghost looked down for a moment and shrugged.

"Hmmmm, I'll have to get Watch to ask about it to 9999-2," Jacobs mumbled to himself.

"Alrighty then. What's your gender?" Jacobs asked. Ghost tilted their head in confusion.

"Male? Female? Nonbinary? You know, stuff like that?" Jacobs elaborated. The kid still didn't understand and wrote, "Vessels don't have genders". Jacobs just wrote that they were possibly nonbinary or agender and moved on.

The questioning continued and Ghost answered them. The page was filled front to back with writing and pictures. It was honestly nice to just kinda relax for once and not have to deal with the dark realities of what the SCP Foundation does. However, that peace was broken by a familiar voice over the intercom.

"Jacobs, I hate to interrupt y'all, but you should probably wrap up the interview soon," McCrimmon said. Jacobs just nodded and looked over the remaining questions. Just a question about the kid's abilities and that question about the man that looked like a fork.

"Alrighty, let's wrap this up, so I don't get a ear full from the O5 Council," Jacobs said. He would have said something else, but he was in the presence of a kid, so he restrained himself.

"So, what abilities do you have?" Jacobs questioned. The SCP wrote, "Lots of abilities".

"Can you give me an example?" Jacobs asked. Ghost eagerly nodded and shot a shadowy-looking blast straight at the wall, startling Jacobs. The blast made a nice dent in the wall.

"Jacobs! Are you ok?" McCrimmon screamed, ready to get Jacobs out at a moment's notice.

"I'm fine. I just got one more question." Jacobs told him. He wasn't looking forward to this question. He sighed and passed the paper to Ghost.

"Back to a previous question, who was the man that told you 'Do not think. Do not speak. Do not hope. Do not'?" Jacobs asked. He could tell the kid didn't like this question either. Regardless, they answered, but instead of passing the paper to Jacobs, they got up and handed it to them. The paper read, "Father". Jacobs was really regretted asking this question now.

"Kid, I-" Jacobs started to speak but was cut off when Ghost hugged him. He comforted the kid as much as he could. He felt even worse knowing how the Foundation treats SCPs, regardless of whether they're children or not, and he wishes he could do so much more for them, but he just can't.

They eventually let each other go, and Jacobs got up. He patted the kid on the head and left the containment chamber. He looked back to see the kid going back to their spot and laying down. He smiled and looked down at his notes.

"Thanks for helping me with this, McCrimmon," Jacobs said.

"No problem, sir," McCrimmon replied, giving Jacobs a pat on the back.

McCrimmon, the other guard, and Jacobs all went their separate ways, but something kept nagging at Jacobs in the back of his mind. He fears that the Foundation is gonna unleash something dangerous from that kid. Hell, they were able to dent the wall of their room with just one blast. Who knows what else that kid is hiding in terms of abilities?

He knew it was useless to dwell on this. The O5 Council certainly wouldn't give a shit about his concerns, and there were already thousands of dangerous SCPs being treated the same way. He needed the change more than ever now, but he has to be patient with his plan. He slowly allowed himself to drift to sleep. After all, he's got another SCP to interview later.

SCP-9999 (Discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora