Part 1

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I wake up to the most hated sound ever this morning
My alarm went off at a 7am and I forgot this was the first day back to early gym sessions I took my phone off charge and messaged my BFF Abbie
                (abbie is your childhood friend/flatmate)
                          GINGER bread 🧋❤️

                                               Miamcm006: hey I up!!

GINGERbread: why r u texting me

I heard a bang from the kitchen so I stuck my workout clothes on and left my room as I was walking to the kitchen I was putting my hair up in a messy bun when I walked into the kitchen Abbie had made us both protein shakes to take with us y/n "what was that bang earlier"  Abbie "have you not seen the new sidemen insta post" I looked at her with the most confused face ever and she laughed and showed me her phone

|Sidemen          10min ago
|The following below are in the new sidemen shuit
            (..._______________ ~>)

I dropped my phone in utter shock as Abbie was screaming YOU GOT IN Y/n OMG OMG
Y/n "wait how did they pick me how do they know my @"  so I may have messaged the sidemen asking could u be in the new shout and they most have seen it and picked you as u r an influencer Abbie said I ran and give her the biggest hug while jumping up and down I need to message them and ask for all the info I massaged the sidemen account saying


Miamcm006:hey thanks so much
inviting me to the new shoot
what should I know x

Sidemen: thanks for replying so fast
Each sidemen picked one Girl for the
shoot And unfortunately for you @w2s
Picked u if u send him a text he'll give u the rest
Of the info x

I couldn't wrap my head round meeting the sidemen for a shoot but messaging Harry was another y/n "Abbie I don't think I can do gym till later own could we wait till 11" sure since that was taking care of I went in the cupboard a took out a quick protein bar and went to my room and seat down on my bed I open up Instagram to a message it was Harry

Harry: hey Mia x

I know that this was only to give me info about wear to go for the shoot but I couldn't believe what I was reading and of I had to tell me a year ago I got a message from wroetoshaw I would blow up
I messaged back

Miamcm006: hi Harry x

As I was staring at my screen not even a second he replied

Harry: so here's everything u need
to know about the shoot
Its tomorrow at 12 and
It's in south London
That's it x

Miamcm006: thanks is there any dress
Code type thing as it's YouTube

Harry: why you thinking of wearing something

Amm wtf did Harry just send me a wink emoji
I can't tell if it's a joke or if this is how he hides how awkward he is

Miamcm006: no just want to make sure lol

Harry: oh well no dress code

Miamcm006:okie thanks x

I heard a knock on my bed room door and I looked up to see Abbie holding a massive box for me
I grabbed the box and shoved Abbie away from the door frame as a closed my door a fast as I could and dropped the box to the floor I knew exactly what was in t he box it was my new winter clothes shop since I just bought the biggest wardrobe with mirrored doors I need sum new clothes I took my phone and started recording

Hey guys
look wat just arrived pointing my camera to the box let me know in the poll below if I should do a haul tho shout out to plt for the clothes and
make sure to swipe up for a discount code

I turned off my phone and sit it in my bedside table and as I went to open the box a someone messaged me and I only get notification from people o follow I took my phone back down to see

New followed.  @wroetoshaw now follows you

My heart stoped beating and butterflies went to my stomach over him following me back that means he clicked on my profile and seen what I looked like and stil FOLLOWED ME

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