Chapter 15

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It was several months later when I got an invitation for Alex's ninth birthday. I went up to Imhotep, who was in the library. He spends most of his time there, reading about my magic and trying to replicate it with his own. I interrupted him and said, "Want to go to a birthday party?"

He looked confused and I laughed, "It's a celebration of one's birth. Alex will be nine years old, and he wants to celebrate with us."

Imhotep looked conflicted, "Both of us?"

I nodded and said, "That's what the invitation says. In fact, he said if I didn't bring you, he would be most upset."

He smiles and says, "Yes. When is it?"

I looked at the card and said, "Tomorrow afternoon. What do you think he would like?"

Imhotep looks at me like I'm crazy, "How would I know? This time is so confusing."

I chuckled and said, "Oh yes. Sometimes I forget that you're an old man."

He looks playfully angry and says, "I am not old!"

I just laughed and said, "Oh come on, let's go look to see if we can find something." We spent the whole afternoon looking for just the right present, and toward the end of the day, I still had not found it. It was when we arrived home and went back into the library that I found it. It was perfect. 

Imhotep looked at me and said, "Are you sure?"

I nodded and said, "This is it. I'm sure of it."

The next day, I apparated us to the O'Connell mansion and we knocked on the door. Evy opened it and I hugged her, "Hey Evy! Where's your son?"

She laughed and said, "Playing out back with his other mates." She then took a breath and stepped toward Imhotep and hugged him, saying, "Hello Imhotep."

She stepped back quickly, and he said in English, "Hello Evelyn."

She motioned us to follower her, and we passed a table filled with gifts and she said, "Just put his present there and follow me. He'll be quite happy to see you both."

We get outside and see Alex running around. He spots us and yells, "Harri!" He then launches himself at me. I hug him back and say, "Hello Alex."

He then beamed up at Imhotep and said, "You came!"

Imhotep smiled slightly at him and said, "Yes."

I smiled slyly and said, "You'll love what we got you."

Alex looked excited and said, "What?! What did you get me?!"

I laughed and said, "It's a secret. You'll have to open it and see."

He pouted, and I playfully shoved him and said, "Go on then. Go play with your friends."

He nodded, and soon was off running again. I looked around and saw Rick, and Imhotep and I walked over. He gave Imhotep a stiff nod, and me a warm smile, "Glad you both could make it. He wouldn't shut up about you coming."

I laughed and said, "That sounds like Alex."

Rick nodded and said, "Imhotep."

Imhotep nodded and said, "Rick."

Rick then said, "You look different." And Imhotep did. I dressed him in fine wizarding robes, that also looked like stylish Arabic clothing. He no longer wore ancient clothing. He looked good, actually.

I snorted and said, "That's because I dressed him. Could you believe he wanted to wear ceremonial robes?"

Imhotep looked at me and scoffed, "They were fine!"

I snorted and told Rick, "He looked ancient... oh wait."

Imhotep just sighed and I laughed. Rick looked back and forth between us and said, "Huh. Interesting."

We both looked at him and said, "What?"

Before he could say anything Evy came over and said, "The Bembridge Scholars keep asking about you."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Yeah. No thanks. I think I'm going to have to disappear on them...I'm not getting any older Evy."

She looked at me sadly and said, "This is are you going to disappear, and will we see you ever again?"

I looked at her and said, "Of course you will. Just not... everyone else. Give it like, 15 years and I'll circulate back as my own daughter or something."

She laughed and said, "Oh, the trials you must face."

I sniffed, "It's hard looking this good all the time."

We all laughed and soon it was time for Alex to open his presents. He got to mine, and his eyes bugged out. It was a collection of children's tales from my world and a port key.

I made him wear the port key necklace and said, "If you are ever in trouble, no matter when, no matter where, you hold onto this, and say 'Toujours Pur'. It was a motto from my late family, and they meant the world to me. You're family too now."

He just hugged me and said, "Thank you Harri." He then hugged Imhotep and said, "Thank you."

Soon, it was the end of the day, and we had to leave. I gave them all hugs and said, "Till next time."

Alex beamed and said, "Till next time Harri, Imhotep!"

And then we were at our house. Imhotep and I went to the parlor and had some tea. He finally said, "That was interesting."

I nodded and said, "What were birthdays like in your time?"

He shook his head and said, "We did not celebrate yearly, but there were years that were more important. Our tenth year, our fourteenth year, and our twentieth year. Each marked a different level in becoming a man. Women mostly celebrated their first monthly, and then their sixteenth, when they could marry."

I nodded and said, "That sounds interesting. How old were you before...?"

His eyebrow rose and said, "Before I died?" I nodded. He sighed, "I was in my 26th year. And yourself?"

I sighed and said, "Well. Physically I stopped aging when I died that last time, which was when I was 17... I then had about five years before I left... then about five more years before we went and resurrected you... then ten years in between... so...I am 37 now? I think..."

He chuckled and said, "And you call me old?"

I pretended to be affronted and said, "Well. I wasn't undead for thousands of years so..."

We both laughed and then I got up and said, "I'm going to go rest in my room for a bit."

He stood up and said, "Let me walk you there."

I snorted and said, "Why?"

Imhotep rolled his eyes and said, "Just let me walk you there."

I chuckled and just nodded. We go to my door and I said, "Well, this is it, as you already know."

He nodded and then looked at me seriously and said, "Have you thought about it?"

I was surprised. I did not think he would have remembered that conversation. I looked into his midnight eyes and said, "I have."

He got closer to me, and I could feel his heat through his robes when he murmured, "And your answer?"

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