Chapter 8

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I looked at the bed and found Alex still asleep. I smiled in relief and went to freshened up for the day. Several hours later, Alex and I were in a serious game of hangman: Hieroglyphic style.

Alex yelled, "There is no way that goes there!"

I laughed and said, "Does too!"

He huffed and mumbled when there was another knock on the door. I got up and opened it to find the High Priest.

He bowed and said, "Imhotep wishes to have you and Alex dine with him and Anck-su-namun this miday."

I was surprised, but quickly covered it up and said, "One moment." I shut the door and looked at Alex, who seemed a bit frightened. I smiled gently at him and said, "Hungry?"

He shrugs and says, "A little."

I get down closer to his height and said, "You know I'll never let anything happen to you... right?" He nods, and I then said, "Right. Let's make ourselves presentable."

A few minutes later, we arrive at Imhotep's carriage. He smiles at me and rises, saying, "Ooh-Seht."

Anck-su-namun, who was previously glaring, widens her eyes and rises hurriedly, bowing. I rose my brow and Imhotep shrugged. I looked to Alex and made a face, which he smiles at.

Soon, we were all silently eating, and Alex finally says, "When are we going to reach the Temple Island of Philae?"

I looked at Imhotep and he answers, "Later today."

I looked to Alex and said, "Did you understand?" He nodded and I smiled and ruffled his hair.

We then went quiet again, when Anck-su-namun says, "How long have you know Imhotep?"

Imhotep looks at her in shock, and I raised my eyebrow and said with false boredness, "Well, Well... what a bold question." I held her eyes, and she looked away first, her cheeks tinting in embarrassment. I then went back to my food, pretending it held more interest, "I met him a few years ago, when he arose the first time."

Anck-su-namun gritted out, "And you did not help him live?"

My eyes flashed in irritation, but it was Imhotep who said with anger, "Anck-su-namun."

She once again looked away and I shrugged, "It was not my place to interfere either way. Same as with now. I am only here for my ward. I will not help nor impede Imhotep's rise to power."

It was quiet for a time before Anck-su-namun once again broke it, giving a loving smile to Imhotep, "Imhotep, my love, what is the dish we are eating?"

He smiled at her and said, "Lamb, my heart."

I almost gagged, and I could tell Alex felt the same. I smiled at him, and he grinned back. I noticed that Imhotep was watching out interaction and I raised my eyebrow.

He smiled and said, "You would be a good mother."

I was surprised, and said so, "I had a child."

Imhotep's smile left and he said, "I apologize. You did not say..."

I shrugged and looked away, "He was not truly mine... but his parents were killed in the war. I was his godmother. When I would not conform to society's... demands, they took him and killed him." I then whispered, "He was two."

Alex took my hand, knowing the topic slightly from his mother's lessons, and said, "Teddy?"

I turned to him and gave him a gentle smile, "Yes. Teddy."

Anck-su-namun wisely kept quiet, but she kept looking back and forth between Imhotep and me. Once I saw Alex had finished his food, I stood with him and said, "Thank you for the meal." I didn't look at either of them, "Till next time."

It was quiet for a beat and Imhotep said, "Till next time." We immediately left the carriage and went into our rooms. I sat on the bed and felt the tears slide down my cheeks.

Alex wrapped his small arms around me and said, "It's okay Harri. You told me he was in a better place, with his parents."

I nodded, and a few sniffles later, I gave him a watery smile. "I know, I just was not expecting to talk about him, is all."

Alex laid down on the bed and patted next to him, "Can you read me some more stories? One's you read to Teddy?"

I smiled and said, "Of course."


We reached the Temple a little past mid-day and the bracelet showed Alex The Great Temple of Abu Simbel. I sent a patronus to Eve and Rick once more, and we waited to get to the next Temple. By nightfall we were off the train and on camels, heading to La Nile Azur. I sent another patronus, and Imhotep watched in fascination.

He said, "What was that?"

I smiled and said, "That was a patronus charm. It's a natural form of magic, based on pure happiness, in the form of one's spirit guardian. It is meant to dispel negative thoughts and creatures and can also send messages that cannot be intercepted. Quite handy."

He nodded and looked grim, "You sent it to the boy's parents."

I nodded and said, "If I was in their place, I would want to know where my son was."

He was quiet for a moment and said, "I apologize again, for your son."

I shrugged and said, "It is not your fault. I don't talk about him much. Even after all these years." I was quiet a moment and said, "Are you sure you want to do this?" At his questioning look I clarified, "Defeat the Scorpion King."

He looked out over the dunes in contemplation and said, "It is what I was awoken to do."

I sighed and said, "That is not an answer, but I will let you be." I then headed toward where Alex was by the camels and said, "Till next time."

His response was quiet, "Till next time."

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