I then looked at Imhotep and said, "Their daughter has magic, like Luna and I."

He looked intrigued and said, "It is hereditary?"

I nodded and said, "Yep! We're no longer the last of our kind now."

Luna then came in and sat down, looking tired. I looked at her worriedly and said, "Luna, are you getting enough sleep?"

She shrugged and said, "It is hard to sleep without Ardeth... and he was gone."

I felt bad and said, "I am sorry. Are you at least catching up now?"

She nodded with a small smile and said, "When are you getting married? I want to be your maid of honor."

I was shocked, and I said, "Uh... Luna. I'm not getting married. I don't even know any available men."

She just looked at me slyly and said, "Yes you do."

I was completely confused, and Imhotep said gruffly, "You are betrothed?"

I looked at him and saw he looked upset. I shook my head, "Not that I know of... but Luna can see the future. Maybe she's just getting a little ahead of herself."

I could see the relief in his face, and he said, "Ah."

Luna said dreamily, "Your kids will be so pretty..." she then started to doze.

I looked at everyone and said, "Well. That does it. She needs more rest." I looked at Ardeth and said, "She can have the guest room. Take the kids and go for a bit. Let her rest."

Ardeth nodded and said, "We'll be back." He then left.

I nodded and said to Imhotep, "I'll leave her a note, but let's head out ourselves. We need to get some groceries and I want to get you some more clothes."

He nodded and soon we were at the market. We went through several stalls before I heard, "Hey Harri!"

I looked back and noticed it was Akeem. He worked in the Museum, and I was glad to see that he was okay. I would not have wanted him dead with the whole mummy resurrection mess.

I smiled and said, "Hello Akeem. How are you?"

He looked from me, to Imhotep, then back to me and said nervously, "I've been fine. I have not seen you for quite some time... and I grew worried."

I shrugged and said, "I have been busy."

I felt Imhotep's hand on my shoulder, and he said, "Who is this?"

I looked back at Imhotep, hearing his voice being sharp, but he had a curious look on his face. His anger must have been my imagination. I said, "This is a man I know who works at the British Museum. You know... the one..."

He nodded and smirked, "I see..."

I then looked back at Akeem and saw him looking upset. I said, "I'm sorry, Akeem. That was rude. This is...Imhotep."

He looked shocked, "Like the High Priest Imhotep? From the Legends?"

I tried not to laugh. Really, I did. But I couldn't help it. When I calmed down, I looked at Imhotep and said, "Exactly like that."

Akeem, looking confused, just smiled and said, "So, Harri... I was wondering."

I looked at him, and when he didn't continue, I said, "Yes?"

He looked even more nervous and said, "Would you have dinner with me... sometime?"

Oh. OH. I was shocked. I didn't really know what to do. There was no way I could be with this man. First off, he's not my type. At. All. Secondly...I was immortal.

Before I could say anything, Imhotep spoke, "She is taken." I whipped my head around and looked at him. He could speak Arabic? He ignored me and was staring at Akeem with fierce eyes.

Akeem backed down, and said, "Oh... I see. I apologize. Harri never said... and I didn't see... Okay. I'll just... go." And he left before I could get in another word.

I sighed, and Imhotep said, "I apologize. Did I overstep?"

I shook my head and said, "No... I was just surprised. I didn't know... well. Oh well. Let's just finish up."

We finished up quickly and headed home without more incidents. I was still reeling. Luna had hinted that I would find someone, but I did not know who it would be. What if it was Akeem?

Then I shook my head. No. It was not him. But if not him? Who else? I did not know too many people. I couldn't, otherwise they would notice me not age.

Imhotep said, "You are lost in thought. Tell me your troubles."

We were now sitting at the table, eating dinner, and I sighed. Luna had gone home a few hours prior, and I was still thinking about her words, "I was thinking about Luna's words."

Imhotep's eyebrows rose and he said, "About you being betrothed?" At my nod he looked conflicted, "And you have no notion of who it might be?"

I gave him a flat look, "The only men I know are the ones from the Museum, the Medjai, Rick, Jon, and now you. There was never time for anyone else, and I cannot get too close... should they find out about me..." I then thought about it, "I definitely know it's not anyone from the museum. Everyone there are already married or... not my type. The Medjai are...Very traditional." Imhotep laughed at my face and I said, "Hey! Luna got the best one!" Then I sighed with a shudder, "And it's definitely NOT Jonathan."

Imhotep looked thoughtful, "Well, that leaves..."

I sighed, "You. Yes. I know. I think that's why Death chose you... or at least one of the reasons. I also know you're still in love with someone else and I refuse to be someone's rebound." He looked confused and I clarified, "Someone who uses someone to forget another."

He nods and says, "Ah." He then said, "I would not be averse to it."

I just look at him in shock and said flatly, "What?"

Imhotep shrugged, "You are beautiful. Powerful. We get along quite well. We are both immortal. It makes sense."

I looked away, suddenly irrationally angry, "But I don't to be with someone just because it makes sense, Imhotep. I want what Luna has. What Evy has. Not just because it's convenient." I could feel my eyes sting with unshed tears and said, "I want someone to love me for me... no other reason."

Imhotep took my hand gently and said, "I know. But we could... learn... with time. Everything is still so fresh. But, you are the only one who is my equal."

I sighed and said, "I'll think on it."

He nods, "That's all I ask."

Harri Potter in: the Mummy ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now