"Okay, Derek and Prentiss go to the one on Sullivan, JJ and Rossi to the one on Tenly, and Reid and I will go to the one off of Creighton." he paused and observed you guys, he didn't say your name and you were very confused.

"Aaron, what am I-" he cut you off, "stay here and run through this list of people with Garcia."

"But I don't usually do this... isn't that Reid's thing?" you and Reid shared a confused glance because it really was his thing, why were you put onto it? The team started to file out of the room before you grabbed Aaron's hand.

"Y/n, I gave you an order okay? I expect you to follow it," he said calmly but sternly. When he finished you let go, and he walked out. You were shocked for a second, and you stood there.

Why am I here? What did I do to deserve this?

An hour passed of you talked with Garcia through possible unsubs and breaking down their family history. Until something clicked in your head.

"Garcia, how many males work at the vet offices that we sent the team to?" your brain started to piece things together.

"There are only two. One is Calvin Airmen and the other is Thomas...." she went silent.

"Garcia what is it?" you were confused.

"Calvin Abermen was in the custody of his uncle as a child, who recently just died, and he hasn't shown up for work in two weeks. He was also reported for malpractice and stealing drugs a couple of months ago."

"Garcia, that is our guy. Can you send the team and me everything, I need to make a call."

"Of course my ladybird" she hung up the video call and you pulled your phone out to call Aaron who was supposed to be at the Vet clinic where Calvin worked.

"Aaron you need to leave that clinic and go to Calvin Aberman's house. He is our guy, not only does he work for the Creighton office, he was raised by his uncle who recently died, he hasn't shown up for work in two weeks, and he was reported for malpractice and stealing drugs a few months ago. Garcia sent " you finished as you ran out of the police station to head over to his house hoping that he would be there.

"Thank you y/n. Really, thank you," he said like he was trying to make up for something. You were so confused with his feelings, you just ignored him and hung up the phone. He was confusing you all to shit and you were just frustrated.

you drove over to his house and the rest of them had already gotten there. Cops cars surrounded the house and the team stood outside just looking at the house. As you hopped out of the car, you looked at them confused, "Why are we just standing here?"

Derek turned to you and pointed at the big window that showed the unsub inside, "he is sitting in his living room with a male and a gun to his head, he said if anyone comes close he'll shoot him, so we are trying to figure something out." Derek shook his head and you stood there for a second.

"I'm going to try something," Aaron said out loud, detailing nothing except that to the team. He slowly began to walk up the center walkway and again you stopped him.

"What the hell are you doing? He will shoot the guy and you," you said to him in a desperate panic to try to get him to understand what is happening. "I am just trying something, it'll work."

"And what if it doesn't, what if it gets you shot." you looked at him with a look that begged him not to go inside. You held onto him tightly to make sure he doesn't move. "It won't, I promise."

You sighed knowing that anything you say won't stop him from going inside that house so instead, you let him go as your heart raced. You walked back over to where the rest of the team was standing and watched as Aaron slowly walked up to the house.

What Happens Behind Closed Doors || Aaron Hotchner x Y/NNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ