Help Me

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Chapter 2


I fell like a torpedo bulleting towards the an unknown ground. Reality cease to exist as an explosion of technicolors swirled around me like watercolors bleeding from a canvas. Every cell in my body seemed to hum and simultaneously break down. Sound didn't exist but I felt it careening through my body. I tried to use my air element to slow me down only for it to turn against me and pull me down even faster.

Feet first I crashed m blue molten thick waters. Panic switched off my brain. The fear sits on me like a pillow over my mouth and nose. Enough air gets by it, allowing my body to keep functioning, but it's crippling. A long skeleton like hands reached out and wrap themselves around every inch of my body pulling me down until I couldn't see or breathe.

"It's ok child", a voice said softly but strong Icelandic accent. I made myself open my eyes to realize I was freezing shaking in someone's arms. I looked up to see soft black eyes that reminded me of my mother. The woman had pale skin like moonlight and red hair tied intricately into two braids. A crown of white gold sat upon her head and she was dressed in fine white silk and gold. She reminded me of a medieval princess. She took her cloak from around her neck and wrapped around my body.

"Who are you?"

"Family, dear child. We have been through so much I wasn't going to let that witch take you", She smiled warmly. She smelled of ambergris, verbena and jasmine.

"Do I know you?" I was sure I didn't.

"The last time I saw you, you were and your mother's belly. We rarely get to have these family reunions", She said helping me stand. I took in my surroundings to see we were in a circular room that seem to be embedded inside of a tree. Long branches twisted and spiraled up to the ceiling that seemed to explode with a soft light that radiated down on us. There was a warm the fireplace crackling in the corner. There was a large bed made of wood, a bear rug that covered most of the floor and a rocking chair right next to the fireplace. There were elegant tapestries that hung from the walls of people I didn't know.

"Who are you?"

"Freyja, sweet summer child. I watched you grow from a far. You're so much like your mother. I'm so very proud", She said giving my shoulders a little tap before stepping away. She stood tall and slim and her hair came all the way down to her waist.

"That's name's Freya", I never met someone that had a name like mine. "Umm... are we... family? Where the hell are we?"

"We are. But I'm sure your mother doesn't want me talking about that. You need to leave quickly before Huginn and Muninn see your in Asgard", that commanded my attention.


That's where Odin was.

"And where is Odin?" I said heading towards an ornate glass door. Freyja quickly came to stand in front of me stopping me in my tracks

"He's not here thankfully".

"But he's supposed to be in Asgard".

"Asgard isn't a place it's a realm. And within this realm there are world's. Odin exists in Valhalla. Pray your fates never cross. Now, you must go", she insisted rushing me towards the fireplace.

"No! How do I get to Valhalla!?"I said using my full strength trying to fight against her only to be picked up like luggage.

"Die a heroes death and you two shall meet. Never come back to this place", She tossed me into the fireplace. But I made myself stand my ground tightly gripping onto the mantle.

"Why would you bring me here and then just toss me away!" I screamed feeling the flame licking at my face,"You say your family! And you know how dangerous Odin is. He's not just a threat to my mother. He's a threat to everyone just like Zeus".

"It is charming that you think the two are even a semblance of the same", She said pushing hard on my back. "These new gods are nothing compared to the old. We will meet again. I have seen it. You have much to do before your time is up. We will meet born a new".

"Stop being cryptic and just tell me!" She kicked my feet out from under me and I went tumbling inside the fire pit and rounded into a pile of embers out my fireplace.

"Saints on high!" Christian gasped coming over to my side and kneeling down. "Where have you been!?"

"Every...where?" Christian helped me stand. My body felt heavy and my legs could barely support my weight as I leaned on Christan for his full support,"I met Nyx".

"How could she even reach out to this realm?"

"I don't know. But I know I need your help if we're going to beat this bitch", I said breathless staring into worried blue eyes of marbles.

"How can I help?"

"We need to find out what Zeus did to Nyx", I coughed,"And drag him down to Tartarus so they can fight it out".

Untamed  (The Olympus Brotherhood Saga #5)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα