Everybody x Reader - Part 1 (Angst Warning)

Start from the beginning


Poor baby boy isn't hungry. He doesn't eat, except when forced. His work out routines sky rocket from an hour and a half to over three hours. If he's not working out then he's either crying, laying with Belphie to feel some semblance of peace, or at sports practice. Most of all, he misses your sweetness. You always could work out any situation, and even better you kept the peace and happiness of the house alive. "Please (Y/N), come home. Come back to your family. We... I need you. We can hang out just like the good old days. Get food, snuggle with Belphie, fall asleep watching movies, and more. Whatever you want, just name it. Just... come home to us, to me."


He honestly wonders if he kills everybody up there that you know if you'll come back to them. Just a thought. (Might want to text Beel a thank you for saving your family's lives.) He is very annoyed and confrontational about everything and everybody, except Beel. He wants to sleep to escape, but then he dreams about you. Then he wants to stay awake, but he's just so tired and things, places, and certain things constantly remind him of you. Basically, he is losing his precious sleep cause of you, but he isn't annoyed at you. He's just lonesome for you. "Mmmm... Oh, it was just a dream. (Y/N) isn't really here. Please come back. You would scold me for being so harsh, heh. Please come back... starlight."


Big man = big heart. Almost chose to permanently kidnap you, but decided against it. He knew you were terribly homesick for your own family and friends, and just your world overall, so he let you go. After watching the brothers tearfully leave the meeting room of RAD, he too went home. He ordered Barbatos to leave him be and went into his room. He cries. He never got to tell you how much he cares for you, seeing as the brothers were always around, but now it was by far his greatest regret. He cries so much that he has puked before, and he very guiltily had to ask Barbatos for help with everything. He is a wreck. "Thank you for joining my adventure. I wish I had had the courage to ask you to join me on another. Maybe someday our paths will cross once more, but till then I will spend every waking moment thinking and dreaming of holding you close to me."  


This man is calm on the outside. Internally he is dying. He misses his son. He misses Luke with his whole being, and he misses you with his whole being. Barbatos will be in the kitchen and start talking as if you and Luke were present. He misses the gentle way you talk, or the way your head would pop in no matter what he was doing and ask if he needed help. He can't help but give in to the sadness that he already knew was coming. He tried so hard to prevail through it, but even he isn't indestructible. He dives into cleaning, making the meals, and helping the struggling Young Lord. He asks for more and more tasks, and more and more tasks are granted. He works constantly. On the occasion that he does get some rest, he is so tired that he blacks out and doesn't even dream. Those can only go so far though, and he constantly wakes up with a sense of barely getting any sleep. "Someday. Someday I'll see you again. Till then I will anxiously prepare for your next stay. Please come back soon."


Upon returning to the Celestial Realm, the poor angel was quite conflicted. Part of him deeply missed his original home, but part of him misses his exchange home. More specifically, a certain exchange student. He wishes he could see you once more, and the ache in his heart greatly attests as such. How he wishes to wrap you up in his arms. You would always tell him how great his hugs were, and now he misses the contact and loving warmth that you always radiated and gave. "Be safe (Y/N), for I cannot protect you while we are so greatly separated. Regardless as such, I will keep an eye on you and pray for your safety and well-being. I look forward to the day that I get to hug you close once more, my dear."


Luke. Misses. The. Devildom. Phew! There he admitted it. He yearns to be in the kitchen with Barbatos, running through Purgatory Hall, and Beel taste testing his food (even if he ate it all). He, however, would never admit to such out loud, but he has a suspicion that Simeon can relate to how he is currently feeling. He wishes he could have taken you to see the Celestial Realm, but he knew that that is forbidden. Luke is constantly baking, that way he has something to do. Something to distract him from everybody that he is missing. Sometimes he'll start to talk as if you or Barbatos were in the room before remembering that you weren't there. That you were back in the Human Realm, and Barbatos the Devildom, both of which are very far away from him. "(Y/N)! Oh, heh, right. Not here Luke. Don't be stupid. Wait! Don't you worry (Y/N)! I'll practice till my baking is so good that nothing will be better in your eyes! Just you wait! You'll love it when you try it!"


Man isn't really that sad. Magic, check. Your address, check. What is there to be sad about? He does miss being so close to Asmodeus, and is peeved that he missed his chance at Lucifer's pact, but other than that he is perfectly fine being back in the Human Realm. Ok, so, he maybe misses Simeon and the Chihuahua a little bit, but it wasn't permanent and he was fully aware of that when he signed on. "Hey (Y/N)! I'm outside your door! Let's hang out for a bit! I'll make you some dinner! (Y/N)! What was that scream? Oh, a bee by my ear, I see. Takeout? Sure, save us both the trouble." (You screamed at the thought of his cooking. There never was a bee to begin with.)

Someday... the thought that keeps them all going. Someday, they'll see you again.


Hey, ok. So don't worry, I won't leave you off on this note. Hope everybody is having a great day! - TimBurtonFanOne

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