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These are the memories that Kamaria regained after the spells were removed.


Severus laid in a bed while smiling warmly at the pink bundle in his arms.

Standing around him were Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy with Draco, Lily and James Potter, Bellatrix, Rabastan, and Rodolphus Lestrange,  and Tom.

They were also smiling at the baby.

"Oh, darling, look. We did this,  we made this," Severus panted looking up from the baby to his partner.

Tom smiled and replied, "You did most of the work,  honey, and we're all proud of you." He went back to admiring their little star.

She was absolutely perfet; soft, fuzzy black hair, ivory skin, and the ice blue eyes of her father.

She was absolutely perfet; soft, fuzzy black hair, ivory skin, and the ice blue eyes of her father

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(Kamaria as a baby)

Narcissa asked, "Have you two picked out a name yet?"

Tom nodded. "We decided on Kamaria Elsie Riddle-Prince."

"And, we want Cissy and Lucy to be her primary godparents with James and Lily as her secondary godparents should anything happen to Narcissa and Lucius," Severus chimed in.

Suddenly,  baby Kamaria started fussing, letting Severus know that she was hungry. 

She latched onto Severus's chest and started nursing happily in her mother's arms.

Age 2:

A black haired toddler laid on a changing table  and  gurgled as Severus finished getting her dressed.

He smiled and lifted her into his arms before giving her a pacifier and taking her to the sitting room to meet her father.

He smiled and lifted her into his arms before giving her a pacifier and taking her to the sitting room to meet her father

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(Kamaria at two years old)

Once the trio Flooed to Malfoy Manor,  Severus placed his daughter on the floor and held her hand as she toddled around.

Then, she said her first words: "Mama. Dada."

Everyone froze until the girl was scooped up by her parents and tickled her tummy.

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