for when i die, will you be with me?

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you'll break your neck
when you live too fast.
at least, that's
what happened to me.
cocaine nostrils turned
adrenaline up high,
the night i died.
a sugar rush,
they like to call it.
fairy dust covered my eyelids,
so much so i couldn't see.
i'd grown to be too reckless,
i mean...i must have.
i mean...i don't remember
much except for angels carrying
me by my
hands and heals,
up to heaven's gates.
i remember god rejecting me,
looking in my eyes and calling me a
his stare made my nose break, and i
bled onto the white sheets
that the angels wore.
god was disgusted.
"i will wait here forever"
i said through my blood-covered lips,
while i pondered
what i could've done
what i must've done.
it is too late for me
now, and i wept into
the satin clouds
as an angel sat beside me,
i leaned on the crimson stains i had
left on her gown,
and she dried my tears with

fairy dust.

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