Chapter three★

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New York city was big, new York city was beautiful, Alessia had been in New Jersey all her life and she'd never thought she'd be able to have come to behold this beautiful place.

Her eyes wondered in curiosity and admiration as she watched large buildings come closer and zoom off with every twist and turn their car took, so much to say she was excited, she felt a little scared, funny enough she was scared, wondering to her self. What if the buildings happened to fall? What would become of them?.

She shook the thought off as she saw how other flashy cars of different kind and pedestrians walked and flowed freely.

"Don't you think she's hungry?." Mr Job turned to his wife who took a look at Alessia.

"Aren't you hungry dear?." She raised a brow waiting for a reply but got silence in return. She shook her head slowly, reaching for her bag  before tossing two packs of sausage rolls and a cola to Alessia's side.

"Eat up before you starve." She added.

The growl from her(Alessia's)  stomach was the only thing stopping her eye touring on the beautiful city. She reached for the sausages and drink, eating quietly. When she was done she clenched her teddy bear tightly as she continued admiring everywhere they passed.

The ride was silent and it seemed like it was going to take forever, with one quick yawn she layed her head to take a rest and in no time, dozed off.

"Looks like she's asleep already." Mr Job said to his wife.

"I added the sedatives to the drink." She said with a smirk.

"Good, we'll arrive soon." He said. They smiled mischievously

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