Chapter two: something in the mist

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Soren awoke from his slumber to the brightness of the night sky. The moon illuminated the dark sky, like a flame in a dark cavern. Soren, deciding to distance himself from Valka, took flight. The thrusters on his wings propelled dragon energy, letting him hover. As Soren reached the lower parts of the pinnacle, he found himself near a deep, wooded, forest. "Maybe a quick trek through the forest can help clear my mind." Soren said. Soren walked into the forest, letting the cooled air blow against his body. However, Soren noticed that the forest was unusually foggy. "That's strange, the forest is usually not this foggy." Soren said. Soren continued through the forest, which had been growing more misty by the moment. Soren was now uneasy, as he felt like he was being watched. Soren suddenly heard the sound of something moving through the bushes. Soren's fight-or-flight instincts kicked in, resulting in him rotating his wings so that his thrusters were facing in the same direction as him. Soren turned around, looking to blast the invisible creature into oblivion. Suddenly, a chameleos appeared in front of him, changing his camouflaged scales back to their normal color. "SOREN, ITS ME!" The chameleos yelled, covering his face with his wings to shield himself from the blast. Soren rotated his wings back into their normal position, and looked at the chameleos with an annoyed expression. "So don't stalk me while invisible, and maybe I won't try to kill you on accident." Soren said. The chameleos rolled his eyes in guilt, and began walking with Soren as he continued to trek through the forest. "How have you been Soren?" The chameleos asked. "I could be better. Father always believes Valka whenever she blames me for her wrongdoings, and I always get punished for it." Soren said, dragon energy beginning to flow from the back of the crest on his head. "Well, your father cares about you Soren. I think he's only trying to prevent you from becoming like Valka." Soren looked at the chameleos, giving a small smile of relief. "You may be right. Father always did care for me." Soren said. "See? No parent could play favorites with their child, unless you count my mother and father." The chameleos said. "Yes Loki, we know how much your parents spoiled you." Soren said, using his wing to pat the top of Loki's head. However, as Soren turned to look in front of him, he saw the outline of a Valstrax. Soren blocked Loki's path with his wing, silencing him. "Who is that?" Loki whispered. "I don't know. Stay quiet." Soren said. Soren watched the valstrax walk away. Soren quietly followed the valstrax, with Loki following close behind. After minutes of following the valstrax, Soren saw it enter a clearing, where a gore magala was standing, along with four other monsters. Soren and Loki silenced themselves, listening to the ensuing conversation. "So these creatures are what you recruited to help Alatreon?" The gore magala said. "Yes." The valstrax said. Soren squinted, and noticed that the four monsters standing in front of the gore magala were all as powerful as elder dragons, despite not being classified as elder dragons. Soren could make out the outlines of a seregios, an astalos, a brachydios, and a stygian zinogre. The gore magala turned to the four monsters, and began to speak. "Listen close. The four of you were chosen by me and my accomplice to serve lord Alatreon. We have a great enemy that threatens us all, and the four of you cannot defeat it by yourselves. In order to defeat them, I present you with a gift. I shall now bless you with the frenzy virus. Due to your superior genes, you will not be controlled by the virus." The gore magala said. The gore magala then proceeded to fire a cloud of the frenzy virus from his maw, which the four servants proceeded to inhale. Suddenly, the four monsters recoiled in pain, as they began to feel their muscles grow in strength. Their bones creaked as the virus rearranged their skeletal structure, causing them to grow slightly. Once the mutation stopped, the four monsters looked at themselves. Their scales now had a slightly darker tint to them. "I feel.... powerful!" The astalos said, flexing his wings. "This virus is more powerful than I thought." The stygian zinogre said, stretching his forelegs. "Do you see now? We chose to serve Alatreon, and because of that, we have been blessed by him." The seregios said, rattling the razor-sharp scales on his neck. The brachydios said nothing, despite showing enjoyment with his newfound strength. The valstrax turned to the gore magala, and spoke to him. "Terragar, are you sure these whelps will help Alatreon?" The valstrax said. "Worry not Valka, the virus has no control over them. They still have free will." Terragar said. Soren had stopped paying attention to the conversation the moment he discovered that the valstrax the gore magala was talking to, was his sister. Soren stepped back in shock, and bumped into Loki, causing Loki to step on a branch. The sound of the branch snapping alerted the monsters to their presence, causing them to look directly at Soren and Loki. Terragar pointed his wing-arm at the bushes Soren and Loki were in, and spoke. "You four, kill those intruders" Terragar said. "With pleasure." The seregios said. Terragar and Valka flew off, just as the four monsters began to charge at Soren and Loki. Soren and Loki instinctively fled, with Soren still in shock. Valka, despite being Soren's sister, had betrayed Soren.

Alatreon sat within his cave, with Draugr by his side. The gogmazios gurgled, Causing tar to begin dripping from his maw. Alatreon has been waiting for any news from Terragar and Valka. Alatreon suddenly heard a thump, and noticed that Terragar had landed within his cave. "Ah, you have returned. Where is Valka?" Alatreon said. "She is taking over the mission for me while I report to you." Terragar said. "Well, get on with the report." Alatreon said. "Four lesser monsters have decided to join our cause, so I gave them enhanced strength with the frenzy virus." Terragar said. "Interesting....... and their names?" Alatreon said, Draugr craning his neck to look at the gore magala. "The monsters that joined us are a seregios, a brachydios, a stygian zinogre, and an astalos. The seregios's name is Lyzareth, the brachydios's name is Eragon, The stygian zinogre's name is Drogo, and the astalos's name is Voltrus." Terragar said. "Once they complete the mission, I shall inspect them myself." Alatreon said. Terragar nodded, and took flight once more. Alatreon also took flight, intent on honing his skills for when he would finally execute the ones who stood in his way.

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