Discovery of Legends

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Meanwhile in the gym

Alpha Trion speaks Cybertronian words from the book inspired by the Energon Matrix

"What is he doing?" Rodimus said

"Shh, translation" Wheeljack replied

When Alpha Trion is finished translating, he need to tell about a legend

"This is a legendary Matrix of Light. Come from the sword of Star Saber, the sword could cut the darkness and shadows and now... The Matrix crash landed to another dimension"

All of them gasped about telling his truth

"The Matrix only be warned by a coming of the Fourteenth Prime!" Alpha Trion said

"The Legends are true!" Sunstreaker gasps

"The Guardian of Daydream" Alpha Trion said

while the Matrix of Light comes from Cybertronian text saying:

Before Daydream, the First Daughter of Light defeated the Daughter of Dark. And now, A new legendary warrior guards the Daydream to stop the Rising Darkness

"Legend foretell for the coming of the Fourteenth Prime. They will light our Darkest Hour. And awaken the Father of Light, Prima" Optimus said

Ironhide jumps to tell Optimus and Trion

"What are you waiting for? We should prepare for the Prime's arrival. When it now. But why?" Ironhide said

"This Prime did use for the Power Badges comes you and the others did. The Fourteenth Prime must be found" Magnus said

"The Matrix of Light chose to find it, but perhaps there is one person to deliver to the Father of Light" Trion said

"Wait... at the field. There was a sign. The Matrix lighted on the one Autobot, Wheeljack!" Ironhide pointed to Wheeljack

"He must be the clerk of the Fourteenth Prime!" Ironhide said but Wheeljack mutters

"But-I-I didn't tell him. Say it Rodimus" Wheeljack said

"I do say something, I say... HAIL WHEELJACK. ALL HAIL WHEELJACK, CLERK OF THE FOURTEENTH PRIME!" Rodimus shouted to all


"You cannot do this for me! You have to be the Renegade" Wheeljack whispered to Rodimus

"Guardian of Magic, Approach" Optimus said

"Rodimus" Wheeljack groaned to him

"Go on" Rodimus pushed to Wheeljack

When Wheeljack talks to Alpha Trion

"It seems the Matrix of Light, chosen you. Will you seek the Fourteenth Prime" Trion said

"I-I will. And... Rodimus, the Renegade has volunteer to join me!" Wheeljack improvised to Rodimus

All of them cheered to the two

"Perfect! When Wheeljack makes Legacy, will you write itself. Soon It will become the new chapter of our war" Trion said

"Yes Trion, It will have... Wheeljack's great deed" Rodimus holds shoulder to Wheeljack when he groans

While Ironhide speaks to Sunstreaker

"Fourteenth Prime. But why now? Ever since the Friendship Games Sunset defeated Midnight Sparkle?" Ironhide said

"And what really know the further wisdom of Prima, I'm sending happy good news to the north" Sunstreaker said

"You traveled with Magnus?" Ironhide asked

"No, Magnus leaves to the Temple of Light" Sunstreaker said

While on the Temple of Light

Ultra Magnus meditates to see a new legend

He gasped and he found a new star

"A eighth star" Magnus said

And while he is meditate to feel the power

"The Human World shudders, my brother. The coming of the Fourteenth Prime has begun this approach. The loss of my fallen daughter is taken by your daughter. Now I must prepare for the dark magic to take out the world" Megatronus said

Megatronus got their Dark Energon, come from the blood of Unicron

"I must created the clones of Mane 6, Their Honesty will be lied. Their Kindness will be broken. And Generosity. Will shatter"

Megatronus created the doppelganger of Applejack, Fluttershy & Rarity to become

Midnight Applejack, Midnight Fluttershy & Nightmare Rarity

"Go my daughters, use the Midnight powers. And keep my brother. Death" Megatronus said

now the Darkest hour begins

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