"When will they pick you up tho?" He asked.

"Well, they're picking me up this 12 afternoon," She responded.

Tom sighed as he glances over his watch. "Then twelve it is, darling," He smiled.


As Emma was prepping herself at the bedroom, Tom on the other hand went to call Daniel and Rupert, sneakily as he made his way towards the patio. As he waited for Dan and Ruperts's answer he glanced back on his shoulder towards the family room, ensuring Emma wasn't around.

He waited, waited, and waited... And finally, They've answered as they all turned ON their video calls.

"Hey! Tom!" they greeted in unison.

Tom glanced back quickly at the family room ensuring Emma didn't hear that as he looks back to Rupert and Daniel on the video call.

"Keep your voice down guys, Emma will hear us!" He whispered warningly.

Daniel and Rupert shrugged their shoulders, laughing underneath their breaths.

"Well, why did you call us then?" Rupert asked, folding his arms as he sat back on the couch.

Tom took a deep sighed, trying to focus on where he should start first. "Okay first, Listen to me guys I will only repeat this once so you must listen understandably, Okay!?"

The boys nodded at Tom on the video call. "Uh-Huh were listening, Malfoy." They said in unison while scratching their ears as they listened carefully.

"Okay, tomorrow's Friday right?" He asked.

The boys listened as they nodded lightly. "Yeah?" They said in unison.

"And do you guys know what's tomorrow right?" He asked again.

The boys rolled their eyes annoying as they let out a heavy breath. "For god's sake, Tom, get to the point," Dan said frustratingly.

Tom rolled his eyes as he gets to the main point. "Okay, Tomorrow's Emma's birthday and I need your help like Right Now!" He quickly said quietly.

Dan and Rupert were surprised as they almost forgot about Emma's birthday.

"Oh, is that why you're being quiet, then?" Dan asked.

"Yes..." He hissingly affirmed. "And I need you guys to come here and help me out for her gift."

Dan and Rupert noddingly listened. "Is Emma there tho?" Rupert asked.

"Yes," He responded quietly as he glances back ensuring Emma wasn't around listening to their conversation as he took a deep sigh as he faces them again. "But Bonnie and Evanna are going to pick her up for their so-called 'Baby shopping'." He quoted with his fingers.

Dan laughed while Rupert chuckled, shaking his head while imagining they had with Georgia since she was pregnant with Wednesday at the time.

"You know, mate, Georgia and I use to go for baby shopping when she was pregnant at the time with Wednesday, you know?" He said with a grateful smile as Tom and Dan laughingly listened to Rupert's saying.

"Well, that's great for you-" But Tom's words were cut short when Emma's voice cut in.

"Tom!?" She called out as her voice was coming from the bedroom.

Tom swore underneath his breath as he quickly glanced back on his shoulder, checking If Emma was there. Luckily she wasn't, as he glanced back to his phone quickly, needing to end their call quickly before Emma finds out what he was planning for her upcoming birthday.

Soulmatesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें