Chapter 2: My darling is that you?

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"Okay so the plan is to get our little witch here to do her little spelly spell and that should create enough attention to get Mr. fancy suit here" Damon announced the plan to the group in front of him. Grace soon walked in still thinking of the day dream she had on the way to the Salvatore house.

"Okay, well what if the spell doesn't work then what do we do?" Caroline being the one to announce the obvious question of what if.

"Then we try again, whether we all like it or not he is our one shot at finally being free" Stefan replied knowing full well Caroline wouldn't argue with him.

"I am on board with the plan, I only have one question. Who is the so called Mr. fancy suit Damon was referring to?" Grace said making her presence known.

"One of the Mikaelson brothers" Stefan replied

Grace hesitated for a minute. "I'm sorry did you just say Mikaelson"

"Yes the infamous Mikaelson family, the first vampires, the originals" Damon replied with his usual sarcasm.

Grace had a wave of fear wash over her. She was about to come face to face with her past. Her and Elijah had left off on somewhat good terms. The last time she saw him was as her parents had ripped her away from her life as she knew it, only because the people of the village they had lived in had found out the she was a witch was highly unacceptable and unwanted in that time period. Little did her family know that there only daughter was not only a witch but she was a blood thirsty monster. She had learned to control it over the years, it wasn't easy but she learned. Centuries later is when she would go on to meet the Salvatore brothers fresh out of transition. She helped them to control their urges Stefan more than Damon, ever since that day Stefan vowed that he would always be there for her no matter the circumstances. This would be one of those times. Now for Elijah's brother Kol, things hadn't been left off on good circumstances. Grace never got to say goodbye to the younger Mikaelson. For that it killed her inside, she had wanted desperately to say goodbye but as fate would have it she never got to. Finding out that the love of their lives had disappeared crushed the brothers. They had searched far and wide for her however, they were to never find her due to her being on a completely different continent. To say that Grace wasn't scared would have been a lie, because she was absolutely terrified, her past was coming to face her whether she wanted it to or not.

"Hey Grace are you okay you look a little whiter than normal" Stefan replied with concern in his voice.

"Ye..Ye..Yeah I'm okay I just need some air" Grace replied quickly, walking out the front doors of the Salvatore house.

Grace was pacing back and forth on the front porch of the Salvatore house. She wasn't ready to face Elijah not yet anyway. Last she had heard Klaus had daggered him and the rest of the siblings and stored them away in coffins until he needed one of them. Apparently though this was not the case. She thought for a moment wait if Elijah was back then that means that they all could be back that means that Kol would be back as well, and she definitely was not ready to face him yet.

Grace was standing there staring off in the distance when she heard that ever so familiar voice, a voice she longed to hear again, but the same voice that struck fear in her.

"Grace, my darling love is that you?". Elijah was behind her, he was able to recognize her right away it was like no time had passed. Elijah had spent some time being mad about her being ripped away from him, and not getting to have his happy ever after however, he came to understand why she had been ripped away when he soon had to leave as well due to the unsafe areas around him. They had lost Henrik and they weren't about to loose another member of the family.

"Grace... please turn and look at me its been so long I must see your darling face again" Elijah replied in a voice that she knew she couldn't resist. It was the voice he had used many times to convince her to stay with him throughout the night down by the water so many nights. Truth be told, he'd never tell her but he enjoyed those long nights with her. She was the only one who understood him and what he was worth. She never saw a single bad thing about him, everything she saw she found a way to make it good. Elijah loved that about her that was one of the things that made him fall for her in the first place. The long nights spent together were calm peaceful nights, that were spent looking at the stars in silence underneath the tree that had met under while she was gathering water for her mother, and Elijah and his brothers Klaus and Henrik were wrestling around, more Klaus and Henrik that Elijah, which caused Elijah to get knocked into the water. That was the first time he had heard her laugh and the first time he had laid his eyes on her, he was hooked instantly.

Grace turned slowly around, there he was. Elijah Mikaelson the man she loved. She was speechless, she hadn't expected to see him so soon. It had been 900 years since she last saw him. He hadn't aged a day but then again vampires never aged.

"Eli..Elijah" Grace replied to the man in front of her.

They both stood in silence for a few minutes, it was not awkward silence more a comfortable silence, their eyes saying everything they needed to say. Elijah soon stepped forward embracing her in a hug. Grace instantly hugged back, oh how she missed him. She missed his hugs, the talks, the walks, everything. All the memories came rushing back to her as soon as she hugged him. They were soon interrupted by the clearing of someone's throat.

"You two are needed inside"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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