I yelped as I was slammed against the glass. Spinning, everything was spinning, I couldn't get my breathing under control, and the flashbacks won't stop. An elbow got thrown into my side, 'look at her she's so weak!', I was pushed further into the window, 'poor little omega, can't even stick up for herself!', the flashbacks kept coming. (The bold here are flashbacks if someone didn't know)

But then there were no more hits. I looked up to see angry pomeranian. Both of his arms were on either side of my head and he was taking all the hits that I was getting before. "B-Bakugo?" I asked. Tears were in my eyes, I still couldn't breathe correctly and everything was still spinning.

"Look at me!" He says gaining my attention. I looked up at him, his crimson eyes looking deep into my e/c ones. "You're having an panic attack, so just breath!" He yells. "I-i'm trying!" I yelled back. My breathing going even more rapid, my heart still pounding in my chest.

We were so close, and I was releasing stressed pheromones, I knew he could tell I was an omega. 'Maybe that's why he came to me, because of my pheromones.'  He put his neck close to my nose, where his scent glands were and started releasing calming pheromones.

The caramel scent was so calming, I closed my eyes my breathing starting to get normal again, everything around me started to go back to normal. Once I opened my eyes everyone was walking back to their classes.

"You good yet?" Bakugo asked in a more calm voice than normal. "Yes, thank you." I said as he backed away, starting to walk back to class. I followed him and we walked in silence. Once we got to class Midoriya told everyone he would like to give the role of class rep to Iida.

After that Aizawa continued the lesson. But in the middle of the lesson I started to feel cramps and slick was slowly forming.'Oh crap my heat, I need to get out of here.'  I thought as I quickly raised my hand. "Yes L/n?" Mr. Aizawa asked. "May I please leave?" I asked quickly. "Why?" He asked.

I looked around and everyone's eyes were on me, at least they hadn't noticed yet. "U-um, you see um..." I looked around trying to find an excuse without saying I am an omega. But as I was there stuttering another cramp came but more painful and I let out a whimper.

My scent was getting stronger by the second, 'Come on Y/n you need to get out of here!' . "Mr. Aizawa I really need to leave, like now." I said in a worried and rushed tone. "L/n if you can't tell me why, I can't let you leave." He said then continued the lesson. As more time passed my scent was so strong I knew everyone in class could smell it which worried me. My body felt so hot and the cramps are really bad.

After Mr. Aizawa was done with his lesson I looked at him. "Mr. Aizawa p-please, I need to g-go." Slowly I started whimpering and shifting in the seat, and my cheeks were flushed. He looked around and saw how the alphas were gripping their desks, obviously trying to hold back their natural instinct.

I guess he didn't notice the smell because he was a mated alpha. "I'm sorry you may go, I'll send someone with your work to your house." Right as he said that I jumped out of my seat and rushed out of the school.

"I can't believe my heat started, it wasn't supposed to yet!" I squealed to myself as I continued walking home, luckily not getting stopped by any alphas.

Class POV:

Everyone could tell that the sweet scent of vanilla and flowers was an omega starting their heat but who in their class was an omega? Like it was to answer their question Y/n started whimpering. Eventually the scent got so strong and the whimpering of the omega wasn't helping any of the students, all of them trying to hold back there instincts.

Once the class watched the omega rush out of the class they looked at each other shocked. "I didn't know there was an omega in the class?!" Kaminari yelled surprised.

"I'm surprised she was able to hide it for two days. Usually omegas cower to alphas so no one suspected anything when she didn't do any of that." Todoroki said stating facts. "Is anyone willing to go and bring her the work from today?" Mr. Aizawa asked. Almost everyone volunteered knowing that she is an omega, they probably wanted to smell her scent again.

"Ok Todoroki you do it, you met her at the recommendations so she probably knows you a little better than anyone else here." Todoroki nodded and collected all the work he would need to bring to the omega.

Todoroki POV: 

Once the school day was over I got L/n's address from the school and headed her way. She actually lived pretty close to me so I don't need to travel far. Once I reached her house, which was a little smaller than my own, I was hit with the scent of vanilla and flowers. I took a deep breath trying to compose myself, then rang the doorbell. 

After a few moments the door opened and revealed L/n, her face was flushed and she was sweating. "H-hello T-todoroki." She stuttered. "Hello L/n" I said as I went through my bag. "Here is the work from today if you need help text me, here." I said handing her the work and a piece of paper with my number on it.

"T-thank you, s-see you tomorrow." She said and I looked at her shocked. "Your going to school tomorrow? In your state, I think that would be a terrible idea." I said looking at her confused. "I'm gonna have suppressants, i'm just waiting for my sister to bring them to me." She said and then I made an 'Oh' face. We said our goodbyes and I left. 

Your POV:

After I had my nest built comfortably someone rang the door bell. I opened it and got the things from Todoroki from school and started waiting for my sister to get me suppressants.

~~Short time skip to the next morning~~

She didn't come, I really thought I could count on my sister to at least do one simple thing for me but I guess she's too busy. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted the number Todoroki gave me. 

Text Messages:

You- Hey Todoroki this is F/n L/n I have a favor to ask.

Todoroki- Hello L/n, what is it?

You- My sister never came, would you mind getting me suppressants before school?

Todoroki- Sure, is there anything else you need?

You- No nothing else, thank you so much!

Todoroki- You're welcome

A while later my doorbell rang. I answered and Todoroki was there. I took the suppressants, got my things and walked to school with him. "Once again thank you so much Todoroki, I really appreciate it." I said as I smiled at him. " He gives a slight smile and says you're welcome.

"You should smile more often it's cute." I said to him and his head snaps to me. "T-thank you L/n, i'll keep that in mind." He says and I smile at him again. "Call me Y/n, I don't like it when people call me by my last name to be honest." I said and he nodded.

Once we got to the class I was surrounded by my classmates. "Why didn't you tell us you were an omega?!" "Is your heat already finished?" And other questions like that was asked. "I didn't tell ya'll because I didn't want to be judged for it and no I didn't finish my heat I just took suppressants." I said answering their questions and sitting down at my desk.

Once everyone settled down, Mr. Aizawa came in and explained how we were going to go on a field trip today for training. I'm pretty excited! 'I wonder what we will be doing at training, I can't wait!'

Three Alphas, One Omega (Reader x BakuTodoDeku)Where stories live. Discover now